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"Bailey, you want breakfast?" 


"What do you say?" 


"Good job!" the blond praises holding out his hand. 

Giving her daddy a high five, Troye helps her into her high chair before setting a bowl of banana slices in front of her. 

"Which one?" Troye asks holding out a Dora the Explorer sippy cup and a Blue's Clues sippy cup. 

With her thumb in her mouth, she points to the Blue's Clues cup and I take to fill it with juice.  "Apple or orange juice?" 

Hmm...apple. P'ease." 

Troye smiles, grabbing the bottle of Apple juice and filling her cup. 

"Here you go." 

"Tank you." 

"You're welcome. So," the elder starts, sitting down at the table next to her.

"What would you like to do today?" 

"See Jacob!" she exclaims with a smile. 

"You don't have daycare today," Troye states. "I don't have to go to work today." 

Jutting her bottom lip out, "Why?" 

"Because they don't need me today. I get to spend the who-ole day with you!" he say enthusiastically. 

"Can we go see Josh?" Bailey pouts. 

Losing my smile, he pouts lightly, "Do you like Jacob more than me now?" 

She shakes her head 'no' but leaves the pout on her face. 

Troye sighs, "Tell you what. If you can finish your breakfast, get a bath, and let me do your hair, we can go see Jacob. How does that sound?" 

She considers this deal for a minute before nodding and picking up another banana slice. 


Opening the door to the daycare, Bailey bounces excitedly in her Dora the Explorer shoes waiting to see Jacob. 

Seeing Jacob walk out from the back room, she gasps and sprints over to him, "Jacob!" 

Snapping his head up, a big smile forms on his lips, "Bailey!"  

"Hey! What are you doing here?" Jacob asks, lifting the little girl up into his arms. 

"I wanted to come see you," she says shyly. 

"Aww," he coos. "Why you shy all of the sudden?" 

Bailey shrugs lightly, laying her head on the older man's shoulder. 

"Well, I'm glad you stopped by. Thank you for thinking of me," Jacob grins, looking at Troye. 

Troye smiles back at him, feeling his cheeks heat up slightly.

He looks down to not make eye contact with the black haired man and distract himself with his shoes. 

"Do you wanna go play with the other kids?" He hears Jacob ask. 

"Can I, Daddy?" 

Looking up, it takes the blond a second to process what he was supposed to say. 

"Yeah, can she, daddy?" Jacob laughs. 

His face flushes. "Yeah, you can," he answers quickly before looking down again. 

"Hey, Tro. You wanna go sit down?" Jacob asks.  

"Um, sure. Yeah, why not?" 

"Follow me." 

He follows Jacob back into the room with all the kids playing. 

They sit down next to each other in the little chairs next to the little table. 

"Sorry," Jacob says. "There's not many big chairs." 

Troye shrugs with a chuckle, "It's alright." 

"Jacob," a little boy whines running over them. 

"Yeah, bud?" 

"I hurt my knee," he cries. 

"You did? Well, let's take a look at it and see what we can do," Jacob states, patting the chair next to him. 

The little boy sits down and throws his leg over Jacob's knee.  "It's not so bad. We just gotta clean it up a little. You want the bad news or good news first?" Jacob asks gently wiping the stray tears off the young boy's cheeks. 

The boy thinks for a minute before answering, "Bad." 

"The bad news is we have to cover it with a band-aid. The good news is that you get to keep your leg for another day," Jacob smiles. 

The little boy smiles letting out a small laugh, "Really?" 

"Yep! No amputations! Just a little clean up and a band-aid and you'll be as good as new in two days tops!" 

"Thank you, Dr. Jacob!" 

"You're welcome, Patrick. Now go see Dr. Alex so he can fix you up, okay?" 


Troye smiles, watching the little boys runs past me and out of the play room.

He looks at Jacob who grins back at me, "What?" 

The blond shakes his head with a chuckle, "Good job, Dr. Jacob."

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