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i believe earlier i put madison but now its Sage

"But yeah that's how I found out about Bailey," Troye laughs. "Wait, so even with her big belly, Sage still tried to deny being pregnant?" Jacob laughs.

The blond nods, "I know it's like, really? You didn't think I'd know you were lying?"

After calming down, Jacob looks at the younger boy, "So, you're not...her actual dad?"

"No. I'm her uncle. Biologically. I'm her father legally, but her mom was Sage, my sister, obviously. I'm still not used to the whole daughter thing, I guess, which is stupid, I know, but yeah...I got custody of Bailey, so I should probably get used to it, you'd think after three years," Troye chuckles.

Jacob smiles slightly, "You two were pretty close then, I'm guessing?" Troye nods, slowly losing his smile, "Yeah. She was my best friend. We were all close growing up, Tyde, Sage, Steele, me, all of us."

"What, um, do you mind if I... if I ask why you're not anymore?" "Well, when my sister got pregnant, she was 18 but still living at home since she was still in high school, so my mom ended up kicking her out of the house and she stayed with one of her friends since her boyfriend was a deadbeat asshole," Troye shakes his head. "We were really close and then after she... y'know, Tyde, Steele, and I all went through a depression for a while and neither of us talked to hardly anybody unless we were forced to. We had been taking care of Bailey trying to decide who would get custody of her. Well, Steele ended up moving out after a few months and taking Tyde with him so it was just me, my mom, and Bailey. We went to court for custody, mom wanted nothing to do with her and since I was of age, I immediately agreed to taking her. I haven't been in contact with my mom or brothers since then."

Jacob looks at him sadly, but doesn't say anything.

Troye nods again, "We're making it work the best we can."

"You're doing a good job," Jacob replies quietly.

The younger chuckles lightly, "Thanks, Jacob."

"Can I ask what happened to your dad?"

"He lives in Sacramento.I talk to him every once in a while, but I haven't actually seen him in a long time. He travels a lot for his job."

"Are you two close? Despite not seeing each other?"

"Not as close as we used to be but closer than my brothers." Jacob nods.

"I understand that."

"Tell me about your family," Troye says.
"I've been ranting about mine for almost an hour. Your turn."

Jacob smiles lightly.

"Well, I'm not very close with my dad. I never really was growing up though. Um, my mom was my best friend as lame as at may sound," he chuckles. "I have a brother and two sisters, but they live with our dad in Sacramento. My mom lives about an hour outside of LA so I actually see her pretty often, not very recently though. That's... that's about it, I think. I mean, other than my parents' divorce and me and my mom not seeing my siblings or dad in almost 10 years, there's nothing really to tell."

"Why did your dad take your siblings?"

"Well," Jacob pauses.

He clears his throat after a second before continuing, "My mom used to be addicted to drugs. That was actually one of the...many reasons my parents split up. My mom abused drugs, spent money we didn't have which lead to arguing and financial troubles, which lead to even more arguing. My siblings actually got taken away from her and my dad wasn't dealing with it anymore, so after a few court dates, he go custody of them, papers were signed and next thing I know I'm never seeing most of my family again."

"Why did you get to stay?"

"I'm the oldest. I was already 16 so I got to choose who I stayed with; my mom or my dad. I wanted to go with my dad, but I couldn't do that to my mom. She was in terrible shape, and I knew losing all of her children would be the last straw for her. I wanted to look after her so I chose to stay in LA," Jacob mutters, taking a sip of his drink. "She isn't the best mother ever. But...she still is one. She still cares about and loves her children, y'know? I couldn't live with myself if I had just left her here."

Troye's heart aches at the defeated look in the man's eyes.

"You're not telling me something," Troye states after a moment. "I can see it in your eyes."

The boy sighs, not making eyes contact with the younger.

He shrugs, "I'll just say that drugs used to be a great way of escaping for my mom. And I get it."


"I feel like I should head home, but I don't really want to yet."

Jacob and Troye had just gotten back from dinner and were now sitting on Jacob's couch with our intertwined fingers between the two of them.

"It's only eight o'clock," Jacob states.

"Anything you wanna do?" Troye asks, looking up at him.

He shrugs, looking back at him with a smirk, "I have a couple of ideas."

Troye smiles slightly, "Oh, yeah? Like what?"

"Like...watch some movies, eat junk food. Stuff like that." Troye laughs, pecking Jacob on the lips, "Sounds perfect."

Getting a bunch of snack foods and picking out a movie, the couple lie down on the couch, Troye's back to Jacob's chest, with a blanket over top of them.

About half way through the second movie, Troye lets out a yawn and he feels Jacob pull him closer and lie his head on top of his comfortably.

Troye sighs contently, carefully rotating so he was now facing him.

He wraps his arm and the blanket tighter around the blond.
mTroye grins happily, "Goodnight, Joshie."

"Night, baby boy," he whispers with a soft kiss on the younger's temple.

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