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The two newly close friends lie under the stars together, the waves crashing against the shore soothing Troye's mind.

Other than Jacob's arm around his shoulders that, honestly, neither of them knew how that happened.

Neither of them was complaining though.

"And when I was in high school, I got into a lot of fights," Jacob says continuing with what he'd been saying. "I'd get made fun of because of how my parents were. And it never bothered me if I was the one getting called names, but I have three siblings, and I promised them I'd protect them with my life, so when people would make fun of them, I'd get mad, and...yeah. It sucks now though 'cause my two sisters are still in school. My brother and I are graduated already."

"I'm sorry, Jacob," Troye says softly.

"Steele kind of told me about how your home life is. I guess I didn't realize just how bad it actually was."

"It's okay. I'm kinda used to it by now. I'm working on saving for an apartment though."


Jacob shrugs, "I don't know yet. I wanna stay in LA since it's where I know the most people. I'd hate to leave my siblings, and Steele and you."

Troye doesn't say anything for a few moments, honestly not really knowing what to say.

He sighs softly after a minute, "Hey, Jacob?"

Jacob hums.

"What do you want to do before you die?"

Jacob doesn't answer at first, leaving the two in silence.

"I wanna be a superhero," he says finally.

Troye lets out a laugh and shoves Jacob playfully, "No, you don't!"

Jacob grins, "Yeah, I do."

Troye stops laughing and settles for a grin as he looks at Jacob, "For real?"

"For real," Jacob nods.

"I mean...okay, maybe not a superhero like Spider-Man, or Superman. I don't wanna fly or climb walls—as cool as both of those powers may be. But I wanna save people. Help them whenever and wherever they need it."

Troye grins wider, "That's sweet."

"What about you?"

"I wanna get married," Troye says without hesitation.

"You wanna get married?"

"Mhm. I've always dreamt of having a husband. But I don't want like a huge wedding. Just like a small backyard wedding or something, with some friends and family," he explains. "That part kinda left my mind a few years ago though," he adds softly.

Jacob pulls Troye closer into his side and presses a gentle kiss to his temple.

Troye leans in, "Thanks, Jacob."

"What for?"

"Being like a second brother to me. I love Steele and everything he does for me. But sometimes I just need someone else to be there." Yikes bro zoned

"I'm happy to be there for you. But I wish I wasn't like a brother."

Troye's smile falters, "What do you mean?"

Jacob chuckles airily, "Would you maybe wanna go out again sometime?"

Troye grins and blushes softly, "I'd love to, Jacob."

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