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"Take my hand...take my whole life too..."

His thin fingers danced carefully over the strings.

"For I can't help, falling in love with you..."

A smile was placed gently on the older Mellet's face as he watched his younger brother perform.

"Like a river flows...surely to the sea...darling so it goes...some things were meant to be..."

His oxygen tank sat next to him on the floor, being almost forgotten as the music took over his mind.

"Take my hand...take my whole life too...for I can't help, falling in love with you..."

He stops strumming and smiles as his brother claps.

"I swear, you get more incredible every day."

Troye grins, a soft pink hue blossoming on his cheeks.

"Are you hungry or anything? Jacob is on his way over. I can ask him to stop and get something."

Troye thinks for a moment.

He should probably eat.

Just to comfort his brother at least.

He nods, "I want a chicken wrap."

"From the diner?"

Troye nods again, "No tomatoes, no pickles, and the dressing on the side."

"Got it," Steele says as he pulls out his phone to text his friend.

"French fries?"

"Please. Chili cheese."

"You sure you're not pregnant?"

Troye giggles, "Nope. Not pregnant. Just hungry."

Steele smiles as he sends Troye's order and looks up at his brother.

"Do you think he could also stop at Starbucks?"

Steele chuckles and gets his phone out again.

"Vanilla bean frappé-"

"-with a shot of caramel, I know."

Troye grins, "Thank you."


"Thank you, Jacob," Troye says softly as he's handed two styrofoam boxes and a frappé.

"No problem," the older boy smiles.

"Be sure to only drink water tonight after you finish that, okay?"

Troye nods at his brother before taking a drink of his cold drink.

"Tro and I were thinking about watching a movie," Steele states. "You want to?"

"Yeah, for sure!" Jacob grins.

Troye smiles softly at his grin.

It was always nice to see an unfamiliar smile.

He wasn't used to Jacob always being around.

But after what Steele had told him about Jacob's home life, he understood why he was seeing him around the house a lot more recently.

He was okay with it.

Jacob was like another brother to him.

He makes him happy just like Steele does and he doesn't make fun of him like Steele's now ex-friend did.

"What movie?" Steele asks looking at Troye.

Troye blushes instantly making Steele sigh but smile nonetheless, "Fine. We can watch Moana."

The two older boys laugh as the younger Mellet grins and bounces happily.

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