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"Well," Ash sighs, tying her red and black hair up into a bun.

"Does he have a favorite flower?"

It was nearing December.

Almost Troye's birthday.

Jacob was planning to propose to him that day.

He just didn't know how to do it, which is why he's sitting in the corner of the playroom with Ash and Alex discussing ideas.

"He likes tiger lilies."

"Okay, well, write that down! Um... what about music? What bands does he like?"

"Same as me," Jacob shrusg, writing 'tiger lilies' down in the notebook.

"Blink-182, Misfits, My Chemical Romance, bands like that."

"You could play music. I'll make you a CD with a bunch of bands you guys like if you want."

"Does Troye-"


Panicking at the sound of Bailey's voice, he shoves the notebook onto the floor and give a nervous smile to the little girl as Troye sets her on the floor.

Climbing into his lap, Jacob wraps Bailey into a hug as Troye sits down next to him with a peck to his lips.

"Hey, Tro," Alex greets.

"Hey, Alex," the smaller man smiles.

"Baby, this is my friend Ash Costello," Jacob states. "Ash, this is my boyfriend Troye."

"Hey, Troye, how's it going?" Ash grins.

"Good, it's nice to meet you."

Listening to Troye and Ash immediately begin a conversation, Jacob takes time to check out Troye.


He's his boyfriend.

It's not creepy anymore.

He smirks slightly at his eyes.

Happy that there was no sign of fear or sadness like there had been the past couple days.

He'd loathed seeing him sad.

Hearing and watching him sob broke my heart.

Seeing his baby boy look defeated and watching him give up on himself wasn't something that he enjoyed.

Especially when he had no idea how to help.

It had made Jacob wonder how many times before that had happened and when the last time it happened had been.

How rare was it?


Jacob snaps out of his small trance and looks at Troye, "What?"

"Are you okay?"

Jacob looks around, now noticing that Ashley and Alex had left and Bailey was no longer on his lap.

Looking back at his boyfriend, He sighs, "I wanna talk to you about something."


"In private."

"Oh," Troye replies quietly, looking down carefully at the floor.

"It's kinda important, but it's not what you're thinking," Jacob smiles slightly, in a failed attempt to lighten his thoughts.



Guiding Troye to the back room, the two sit down on the couch facing each other.

Jacob looks at the boy in front of him and sighs before looking down again.

"Jakie, what is it?" Troye asks softly, taking the elder's hands in his.

"I know you probably don't want to talk about this. If you don't want to, just tell me and I'll shut up," the elder states.

"Okay," he answers confusedly.

"I wanted to ask about what's been going on the past few days."


Jacob stays quiet, waiting for him to say he didn't wanna talk about it.

"What about it?"

"Um, I just... I don't know, I guess."

"Don't be afraid to ask questions about it, Jacob. If anything, it'll help you understand it better so, selfishly saying, you can help me through it better if and when it happens again."

"How long have you been..."

"Depressed? Almost my whole life practically."

Jacob gulps nervously and sadly, thinking about what to ask next.

"Was this your first time having an ex-"

"No," Troye interrupts, gripping his hands a little tighter.

"This wasn't my first time with anything you saw."

Jacob feels his eyes prick with tears and he forces them to stay in, "Oh."

Troye pulls him closer and wraps him in a hug, rubbing his back.

Jacob chuckle softly, letting tears roll down his cheeks, "You shouldn't be the one comforting me."

"Yes, I should. You've comforted me the past week. I think it's my turn."

Accepting his reply, Jacob relaxes in his small frame and smiles contentedly.

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