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Jacob sets the box down in front of him on the coffee table.

Staring at it, he feels almost intimated by it.

Almost like the box was mocking him.

What was in it?

And why did Troye want Jacob to have it?

With a long sigh, Jacob sits a bit straighter, hesitantly grabbing the lid of the box before pulling it off.

Looking inside the medium sized box, Jacob gets confused.


The box was full of envelopes.

They were neatly stacked with ribbon wrapped around them tied in a bow.

Carefully pulling the stack out, he sets down the lid and unties the bow, allowing it to fall onto the table.

open... right now!

Jacob looked at the back of the envelope and read the three words over and over again in his head.

Slowly opening the envelope, he pulls out three note cards.

The first one reads "Rules".

Placing that one on the table, he reads the two other note cards.

1. Absolutely NO peeking
2. You may only open when topic applies 3. Open sparingly
4. Tell me when you open one
5. Make them last
6. Keep them Love, Troye<3

Letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding, Jacob sets down the three note cards as he notices a folded sheet of paper in the envelope.

Pulling the paper out, he unfolds it and begins reading, ignoring the sadness filling his chest at the first two words.

Hi, Jakie!
I'm going to miss you so much when I leave next month. I wanted to make you something for when I'm gone. So I introduce to you: Open When letters.
You can only open a certain letter when you're feeling the same way as what is written on the envelope. For example, if you're feeling happy, open the envelope that says "open when... you're feeling happy".
Got it?
I don't know why, but I'm excited to give you these. I've been working on it for a long time. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did making them.
I love you.
I'll love you forever.
I'll never stop loving you.
I'll see you when I get home, okay?
Love, Troye xx

Letting out a choked sob, Jacob drops the letter to onto his stomach and covers his mouth, allowing tears to rush down his face and hand.

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