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Rain sprinkles down from the ash covered sky.

The pitter patter sounding against a small boy's bedroom window.

He didn't mind.

He liked the rain.


He loved it, actually.

It was very calming for him.

Especially on days like today.

It didn't happen very often, surprisingly, so when it did, he wasn't exactly sure how to handle it.

His head would hurt, he'd get random pains throughout his small body, his nose would sometimes bleed, and he just felt like...crying, sobbing until his heart was content.

He knew why it happened.

He didn't understand why it only happened once in a great while, but he did know it was usually better the next day, so he never let it bother him much.

He would simply rest in bed until the sun shone through his window and snapped him out of it.

For the time being.

He sighs softly, his eyes roaming around his bubblegum colored walls, his matching blanket overtop of him.

He could hear his brother and his brother's friend, Jacob, laughing in the bedroom next to his.

He wanted to join, but his mind wouldn't let him.

So he stayed put.

A soft squeaking sound is heard a while later.


Peeking his head out from under the covers, he smiles gently at his brother.

"How're you feeling?"


"Are you hungry at all? Jacob is going to get something for lunch for us. I'll ask him to bring you something."

"No. That's okay. I'm not hungry."

"Okay. Well, if you change your mind, let me know and I'll tell him to stop."

"Okay. Thanks, Steele."

"No problem," Steele smiles as he walks into the bedroom and places a soft kiss on his brother's smooth forehead.

"Tell him to drive safe."

"Of course."

Troye's smiles slowly fades away after his brother leaves the room.

He hears Steele's friend leave before drifting off into a deep sleep.

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