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Once again Nash is the wrong animal sorry 😭

Hari stands up and opens the door for Jacob. 

"Oh, no, it's like the first day all over again." 

Troye chuckles lightly, rubbing Bailey's back. 

"I'm happy to say I kinda knew this would happen, though." 

"Why?" the blond asks standing up with the little girl in his arms. "Oh." 

"Bailey, look who I got with me." 

Bailey lifts her tear stained face to look at Jacob, "Kitty." 

"Yeah, I brought Nash." 

"Nash?" Troye repeats. 

Jacob nods with a smile. 

"Do you wanna hold Nash?" the younger boy asks softly. 

Bailey nods and is placed on the couch.

Jacob brings the kitten over and set him gently in Bailey's lap. 

After a few minutes of watching the little girl play with the kitten, Troye sighs, "I think we're gonna head out." 

"Okay, we'll be here," Hari smiles, petting the kitten's head. 

"Bailey," he says softly.

The girl looks up. 

Troye smiles, "Me and Jacob are gonna leave now, honey." 


"We'll be back in a little bit," he chuckles lightly. 

"Will you tuck me in?" 

"Right now?" 

Bailey nods. 

"I guess. If you want me to." 

Tucking Bailey into bed, the blond gives her kiss on the forehead and says goodnight.

Leaving their shared bedroom, Jacob goes in and says goodnight to her as well before turning the light off and walking out of the room. 

"Ready?" Troye asks. 

Jacob smiles and nods. 


"I feel like I'm in high school again." 

"Why's that?" Jacob smiles, taking a sip of his hot chocolate. 

"Ever since I got Bailey, I haven't been out past eleven o'clock." 

"Oh, wow. Are you having fun?" 

"Tons," the younger smiles, pulling his sweatshirt tighter around him. 

"That's good," Jacob replies just above a whisper. 

Troye grins, teeth chattering slightly. 

"Are you cold?" 

"How'd you guess?" he chuckles. 

"Here," Jacob says beginning to take his jacket off. 

"No, that's okay! I'm fine!" 

"No, here. I insist," he laughs, carefully handing over the black jacket. 

"Are you sure? You only have a t-shirt on." 

"I'm fine, don't worry about me," he grins. 

Troye sighs, "Okay." 

"You get cold easily," Jacob observes. 

"I know. It's only the beginning of October and I'm freezing." 

After a minute of silence, the young boy sighs contently, "The stars are so pretty." 

Jacob nods in agreement, "Yeah. Especially in the open field." 

Lying down in the grass, the two stare up at the night sky that was filled with stars. 



"Are you having fun?" Jacob whispers. 

"I'm having lots of fun," he whispers back.

"Thank you for tonight, Jacob." 

"My pleasure." 

Looking over at Jacob, he looks back at Troye after a minute.

"What?" he chuckles. 

Troye shakes his head and shrugs, "I'm just happy." 

"I'm glad." 

Jacob softly grabs his hand and intertwines their fingers together. 

Losing his smile, Jacob slowly rolls over and leans over to Troye, pressing his lips against his. 

Troye kisses him back almost instantly before pulling away after a few seconds.

He covers his face with Jacob's jacket, which was too big on him, and blushes behind his arms. 

Jacob chuckles, "You're too beautiful to hide, Tro." 

He giggles before stopping quickly. 

"Did you just giggle?" Jacob asks. 

Troye groans through embarrassment, hearing the smile in Jacob's voice.

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