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Walking hand-in-hand up to Jacob's apartment, Jacob shushes Troye and the two quit laughing instantly. 

"I have a lot of grouchy neighbors," Jacob explains quietly, unlocking his door. 

"Oh," Troye smiles. 

Following Jacob into his apartment, the blond shuts the door behind him and slips his shoes off. 




"Yeah, whatcha got?" 

"I have," he says, opening his refrigerator, "beer, jack, and then I have rum and juice you can mix." 

"Do you have Coke?" 


"I'll take a Jack and Coke." 

Jacob grabs the bottle of Jack Daniels and the half empty two liter bottle of Coca-Cola and sets them on the counter along with a bottle of rum and a bottle of orange juice. 

"Want anything to eat?" Jacob asks pouring the drinks and passing Troye his. 

"Thanks," he mutters. "And no, I think I'm okay." 

"Alright, well, if you get hungry or bored, help yourself. There's plenty to eat or snack on." 

Troye smiles slightly, taking a drink of his beverage. 

After a while of talking and drinking, the blond looks at the time and begins to panic. 

"I have to go home!" 

Jacob jumps at the sudden shout, "What? What do you mean?" 

"It's t-two in the morning, J-Jacob! Bai-Bailey is-" 

"Bailey is okay, Tro. Hari is watching her." 

"But she need-needs me, sh-she needs-" 

"She needs sleep and I'm sure that is what she's getting. Bailey is getting a good night's sleep and Hari is there if she needs anything." 

Troye looks at Jacob as he is gently pulled back down to sit on the couch, "O-okay. Are you sure?" 

Jacob nods, giving the younger boy a smile, "Why don't you stay here tonight, Troye?" 


"You can take my bed, alright? I'll sleep here on the couch." 

Troye nods, "Y-you can have your bed." 

"No, it's okay. You're more drunk than I am so you're definitely gonna wake up with a hangover. I'd rather you wake up somewhere comfy if you got a hangover." 

"Are-are you sure?" Troye asks looking up at him. 

He nods, "I'm positive." 

"Okay," Troye mumbles, letting out a burp, followed by a laugh. 

Jacob looks at him with a small smile, "Why don't we get you to bed, Tro?" 


Slowly opening his eyes, Troye grabs his head with a groan and shuts his eyes to block out the sun shining through the window. 

Opening his eyes once again and squinting, he looks around to see where he is and his eyes land on the body next to him.

Panic erupts in his stomach as he looks at Jacob's, sleeping, shirtless body. 

Ever so slightly lifting the blanket, he breathes a sigh of relief once seeing they were both wearing boxers. 

Stirring slightly, Jacob open his eyes and looks up at the younger boy. "Morning," he whispers. 


"Would you like some pain relievers?" 

"Yeah, please." 

Jacob rolls out of bed, Troye watches him walk out of the room. 


His back is sexy.

Wait... how can a back be sexy? Shut up, Troye. 

Rolling his eyes at himself, Troye shakes his head.

Jacob walks back in with two pills and a cup of water. 

"What happened?" he asks after swallowing the pills. 

"Well," Jacob starts. "We didn't have sex if that's what you're wondering. But, Jesus, were you making it tempting." 

Troye smiles slightly, a blush forming on his face, "Just out of curiosity, why didn't we? If I made it tempting?" 

"Because you were drunk and I wasn't going to take advantage of you like that." 

"Oh. Well... thank you." 

"You're welcome," he chuckles lightly. 

"Why were we both-" 

"You wanted me to stay with you. I was gonna sleep on the couch, but I felt bad. You looked really sad when you asked me to stay and cuddle and I couldn't bring myself to leave you alone." 

"Oh," Troye blushes more. "Well, thanks again." 

"No problem. You know that you're a really big cuddler?" 

Troye nods slightly, the blush on his cheeks deepening even more, "I've been told. I've been told I become a bigger one when I drink. Sorry about that." 

"Hey," Jacob says causing me to look at him. "Never said I didn't like it." 

The blond smiles, looking down at his lap. 


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