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Jacob... are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine. Why?

You just seemed kinda sad earlier when Bailey asked about us getting married...?

Oh, yeah no I'm fine. Don't worry about me lol

Jacob... What's up?

Sighing, Troye sets his phone down on his bare chest.

It was almost midnight.

He couldn't meet Jacob anywhere without bringing Bailey and she was already asleep.

Going to Jacob's contact, he hesitantly presses the call button and presses his phone to his ear.

"Hello?" Jacob answers after the third ring.

"Josh, I gotta tell you something," I whisper, attempting to avoid waking Bailey up.

"Before you do, I gotta tell you something first."

"Oh...Okay," Troye gulps.

He hears Jacob sigh before speaking, "I like you."

He laughs, "I like you a lot. I know we've only known each other a couple of weeks, but I do."

"Um...I-I, uh..."

He sighs angrily as the call ends.

Slamming his phone onto his bed, he pulls at his hair in frustration and groans quietly, "What the hell is your problem?"

His phone buzzes after about 20 minutes
and he picks it up with a tear stained face.

Why are you crying, Troye?

He probably hates you.

There's no need to cry over him.

You two were nothing serious anyway.

Troye rolls his eyes at his own thoughts before glancing at his phone.

Open your door.

He squints in confusion.

Open his door?

Hearing a knock at his apartment door,
Troye jumps out of bed and races to the door in the living room.

Looking through the peephole, he recognizes Jacob as he stares at the ground patiently.

Swinging it open, Jacob looks up slightly at him.

His hair stuck up in random directions.

He must have just gotten out of bed.


Jacob presses his lips against Troye's, resting both of his hands on his cheeks.

He gasps in surprise, but eventually begins to kiss him back, his fingers wrapped softly around his wrists.

"Daddy!" Troye pulls away, breathing heavily from lack of oxygen, and leans his forehead against Jacob's.

"I like your alien pajamas."

Jacob lets out a laugh.

Troye kisses him once more before hearing Bailey call for him again.

He shuts his eyes, wanting to keep kissing the boy in front of him.

Jacob kisses his forehead as Troye lets go of his wrists, the older boy dropping his hands slowly to his sides.

"What, baby?" Troye asks, walking into the bedroom.

"Can I has a dwink?" Troye smiles slightly at the little girl, "Milk or juice?"


Lying down in bed after getting Bailey to fall back asleep, Troye turns to face Jacob who looks back at him with a small smile on his lips.

Crashing his lips against Jacob's, Jacob doesn't hesitate to kiss him back before rolling them over so that Troye is straddling his waist.

"Wait," Troye breathes. "I can't do this with Bailey in the room."

Moving to the couch in the living room, Troye pushes Jacob down onto his back before kissing him again.

Sitting up carefully, Jacob flips them over again so that the blond is now underneath him.

He moves his lips from Troye's and slowly makes his way down to his neck and shoulder, leaving a hickey on his collarbone.

Accidentally letting out a small whimper, Jacob whispers in Troye's ear, sending shivers up the boy's spine, "Are you okay, baby boy?"

Troye nods, "I-I'm fine."

Pressing a soft kiss to his temple, Jacob lies down beside him and pulls him closer, wrapping his arms around his waist securely.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," Jacob whispers.

Troye smiles, quietly attempting to regulate his breathing.

He snuggles closer to the boy and lets sleep take over his body.

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