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The sun was shining on the three boys.

Kids played in the water laughing loudly as they splashed around. 

The three are on a picnic at the lake down the road from the Mellet's house. 

Jacob and Steele tell terrible jokes as they eat, making Troye laugh at how stupid the jokes were. 

"Are you guys feeling up to playing something? I got a baseball and some gloves in the truck." 

"Sure," Jacob says. 

"Troye you wanna play? We don't have to play baseball." 

Troye shrugs, "You guys can play. I'll watch." 

"Are you sure?" 

"Mhm," the smaller boy smiles.  "Okay. I'll be right back." 

Steele stand up and walks away toward his truck. 

"So, how's Troye been?" 

Troye grins, "Fine. How's Jacob been?" 


"That's good." 

"I wanna ask you something." 


"Would you maybe want to hang out this weekend? Just you and me?" 

"Oh. Um, sure. If Steele doesn't mind." 

"Perfect. I just figured since I'm always at your house, and we barely know each other, we could get to know each other more." 

Troye nods with a smile, "I'd love that." 

"Me to," Jacob grins with a soft chuckle. 


"Trrrrroooyyyeee! Jacob is here for your daaattee," Steele calls from downstairs. 

Troye rolls his eyes but smiles.

He doesn't like Jacob like that.

It's not a date. 

Troye blushes as he thinks about it more.

Did Jacob think of it as a date?

No, probably not. 

Troye sighs as he slips his second shoe on and stands up.

He pulls his oxygen tank out to the hall before slipping the bag it's in over his shoulder and walking slowly down the steps. 

Jacob grins and holds his arm out, "M'man." 

Troye laughs, "Is that the guy version of m'lady?" 

"Of course," Jacob chuckles. 

"Ugh! So cute! Let me get a picture!" Steele exclaims. 

"Stop," Troye whines rolling his eyes but blushing nonetheless. 

"Okay, okay, fine. Go! Have fun! Not too much fun!" 

The two leave the house and climb into Jacob's car. 

"Where are we going?" Troye asks. 

"Surprise location," Jacob says. "Do you mind?" 

Troye looks over to see Jacob holding a blindfold. 

"No, I don't like surprises." 

"Steele told me you love surprises." 

"That's because he's my brother and he likes to torture me." 

Jacob chuckles, "Well I guess I enjoy torturing you too, 'cause I'm not telling you." 

Troye pouts but allows Jacob to cover his eyes, "Please?" 



"Nuh uh." 







Troye can feel the car move and sighs loudly. 

"That's not a reason." 

"Because I don't want to." 

"I'm gonna whine." 

"You already are." 

"Ugh....I'm gonna whine even more theeeeennn." 

"Too bad. We're here, so I don't even have to tell you." 

"I can't see, where are we?" 

Jacob chuckles, "Just calm down. You'll find out in a minute." 

Troye blindly searches for the door handle after he hears Jacob leave the car.

It opens before he finds it and he feels

Jacob grab his hand carefully. 

"You can step out," Jacob says picking up Troye's oxygen tank. 

Troye steps out of the vehicle and shuts the door.

Jacob guides him to wherever they are going and eventually they stop walking. 

Jacob unties the blindfold and removed it from Troye's eyes. 

Troye gasps, "Oh my goodness." 

"Do you like it?" 

"I love it, oh my gosh! Did you do this?" 

Jacob shrugs, "I had some help from my sister." 

They're at the beach.

There was a big blanket set up on the sand, lights were strung from the small group of trees next to it and a picnic basket was sitting in the center of the blanket along with a couple of pillows and another blanket. 

Maybe it was a date. 

Troye blushes at the thought as Jacob guides him to the blanket.

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