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It was hard looking through the envelopes Troye had left for Jacob.

He read the back of each one looking at all the different reasons as to why he may need to open one.

Then one caught his eye.

He wonders how he missed this one the first time.

Open when... I don't make it home.

Setting the stack of envelopes down on the coffee table, he slowly opens the chosen one and reads it, immediately noticing the difference in greeting compared to the previous ones he had already opened.

Hi, Jacob... Please don't be mad haha. You have no idea how hard writing this is right now. Actually you might. I take it back. I know you were fearing this day. I was too. I may not have shown it, but honestly, it petrified me more than anything. Even more than getting injections by Jeremy, that frickin' jerk haha. I'm sorry. I know this isn't a letter to be joking in. Although, if I make it home, you won't even ever read this, so I may be writing this for no reason. But... if I end up not coming home for the last time, I want you to have some closure. And what better way than to give you something homemade? I know you always secretly loved homemade gifts, no matter how much you teased me for them. Please don't cry over me. You deserve happiness. I'll miss you, and I know it'll be hard, but smile. I promise you it's okay. I love you, Jacob. Please remember that. Always. And please, Jacob, please stay alive. Okay? Stay alive for me, baby. I'll see you when your time is up, and I swear to god, Jacob Bixenman , don't you dare let me see you any sooner than that... Remember: I'll always be there for you. I'll listen to anything you say. Always. Just speak, and I'll be there. I'll always look over you, Jacob. See you later, my love.
Troye xx p.s. There's more letters in this envelope for my family. Please give them to them.

Jacob looks inside the envelope and sure enough, there were five more letters each addressed to Troye's siblings and his parents.

Jacob made sure to close the envelope back up neatly and place it to the side to deliver to the Mellet household later on.

He glances over his letter once more before carefully folding it back up and placing it on the coffee table before standing up and walking out of the living room and going to bed without another thought other than his love.

No tears.

No runny nose.

No continuously wiping his face until it was dry.

Not this time.

Troye didn't want that.

Troye wanted him happy.

And, if Jacob was being honest, the letter did sort of help.

Definitely a lot more than he ever thought possible.

Sure, he missed Troye more than anything, and sure it wouldn't be the same without him, but, unfortunately, as it took him this long to finally accept it, there was nothing Jacob--or anybody--could do.

Troye was gone.

He died doing something he loved: fighting for his country and the ones he loved alongside many friends that he had the pleasure of getting to know.

Jacob fell asleep with the thought of the beautiful, sweet blond soldier on his mind, and a feeling of warmth in his chest that night.

He felt a presence in the room with him, but he wasn't frightened.

He knew it was his soldier.

Troye wants him to be happy.

So that's exactly what he would be: happy.

Because it made Troye happy.

Jacob smiles, a real smile for the first time in months.

"Goodnight, baby boy."

"Goodnight, Jacob."

Jacob shuts his eyes at the quiet voice in his mind and falls asleep peacefully, a golden retriever named Nash snuggled up right next to him in Troye's place.

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