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"Morning, Alex," Jacob yawns.

"Hey," he mumbles.

Taking a seat next to Alex, the elder looks at him cautiously as he lies his head on his arms hiding his face.

"Tired?" he chuckles.

He frowns, not getting any sign of reply, "Alex? You alright, man?"

Alex finally looks up after a minute and shrugs, "Not really at the moment."

"What's the matter?" Jacob asks carefully. "C'mon talk to Dr. Jacob."

"Ryan and I broke up."

Jacob's jaw drops slightly, "Alex, I'm so sorry. I had no idea. You two looked so happy all the time together. What caused the break up? If you don't mind me asking."

"I don't know, honestly. He just sat me down last night saying he had to talk to me and told me that... that he wasn't feeling a connection with me anymore."

He wipes his face and that's when Jacob realizes he began to cry.

Tears begin falling down his cheeks more rapidly and Jacob scoots closer to him pulling him into a gentle but secure hug.

He hugs back and sobs quietly into the crook of his friend's neck.

After a couple minutes, Alex finally calms down and sits up wiping his nose with a tissue.

"Thanks, Jacob," he mutters.

Jacob gives a small smile before hearing a knock at the door.

The two turn around at the sound of a little voice, "Alex!"

"Hey, Bailey," he chuckles lightly with a sniffle.

"What's wong?" the little girl asks as she climbs into the taller man's lap.

"I'm just a little upset right now. I'll be okay, honey."

"Otay," Bailey mumbles wrapping Alex into a small hug.

"Awe, thank you, sweetheart," he says in a sad tone, swallowing the three year-old in his long arms.

Jacob smiles at them before looking up at his boyfriend.

He grins at the scene in front of him and looks down at Jacob.

"You're here early," the elder states.

"Yeah, I didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night so I was kinda hoping I could drop Bailey off a little earlier and crash in my car for a while before work," Troye yawns sitting in his boyfriend's lap.

"Yeah, that's fine. Why didn't you sleep?" Jacob asks, realizing how tired the brunette actually looked.

"I just couldn't get comfortable... I guess," he chuckles awkwardly, looking away from me.

Gently pulling his face, Jacob makes him look at him again, "What were you gonna say?"

He shrugs, lying his head on Jacob's shoulder, "It's not a big deal. It'll be okay, Jakie, I promise."

Josh sighs silently, kissing his cheek. Watching Alec and Bailey talk, Bailey looks at Jacob and giggles, pointing at Troye, "Daddy s'eeping!"

Jacob looks at Troye whose eyes were shut, small snores escaping his mouth.

He hugs him closer and rubs his thigh calmly with a smile.

Alex grins, "How long have you two been together?"

"Two months next week."

"You make a cute couple."

"Thanks. I think so too."

Hearing the bell ding at the front desk, Alex stands up, holding Bailey in his arms, "Be right back."

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