14: epiphany

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chapter 14: epiphany
(n.) a moment when you suddenly feel that you understand or suddenly become conscious of something that is very important to you.

A/N: I was listening to Hold Me Tight by Off Chainon while writing this chapter and I suggest that you do too :3

When I woke up, Tine was not in sight. He must have class or practice today since it is already 3:13 PM. My stomach grumbled and realized that I have not eaten the whole day yesterday... again.

I opened my phone and saw one message from Tharn. I want to read it, but at the same time, I'm too anxious to open it. I stared at it for a long minute and decided to open it.

Tharn: Type, I hope you are doing well, wherever you are. If you are struggling, just tell me please. I want to help and understand you but I can't do that if you keep pushing me away. It is not a weakness to let your walls down, for we are just humans. And, P'San is just a senior and a friend, nothing more, nothing less. I know that you saw us kissing, but we did not really kiss. He was just teasing. You are the only one for me Type, so you should not worry too much about other guys because my eyes, body and heart are only for you. I'll wait until you are ready to come home, Type. Always. P.S. I know you don't like to eat (only to be eaten :p), but please eat something.

Should I reply something? I don't know how to respond; every line was sweet except for the last one and I could picture his smirk. Suddenly, I felt guilty of everything, of having emotions, of showing my emotions. But Tharn plays with my heartstrings and I could not stop myself from dancing to its beat. I should apologize... right?

Type: I'm at Tine's apartment.

I'll apologize when I go home, and went to shower and find something to eat. I just wore an oversized black hoodie and black pants since the wind is kind of cold, and I brought my black instax with me. It's been a long time since I've used them, and I could take a picture of Tine and his boyfriend with these.

I went to Tine's refrigerator and found nothing but milk, eggs and yogurt. So I decided to just eat I the university's cafeteria since I was about to head there.

The university was bustling with people and aspiring students touring the campus. As I was looking at food stalls, two students gave me a red headband with the the words "Ctrl S". I noticed that some people were also wearing these. What does this even mean? But I wore it to fit in the crowd.

I ate my Takoyaki while walking and saw a band performing and noticed a familiar figure

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I ate my Takoyaki while walking and saw a band performing and noticed a familiar figure. A lot of girls are shouting Sarawat's name as the main vocalist introduced the members and the band, Ctrl S. So this was the CTRL S.

They played really well and this school really gives support to its music club. Tharn will be enthralled to be here— I cleared my thoughts of him. I saw Tine far the stage and wanted to go to him, but then he seemed to be busy gazing at his man. I think he wants to go closer but the fans of the band are in his way. I just stayed at my position and for the last song, Sarawat went forward.

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