16: twitterpated

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Chapter 16: twitterpated
(adj.) love-struck

A/N: I'll use conversational style, not narrative style to reduce confusion on who answered and provide clarity. I hope you enjoy my version of drunk Type and Tine. There are some mature/sexual words, so read at your own risk. I don't really know how to express 'being drunk' as I have not experience it, but I hope you'll enjoy this chapter. Happy reading and have a good day!

When people say they want to drink, I imagined that it would be just a few beers, around 3-5 beers. But I guess Tine begs to differ, as he bought a bottle of vodka, Black Label, soju and the Bar Pink with a juice as a chaser. I let out an exasperated sigh, as he arranged the "film area".

The said film area is just the living room of Tine, with a coffee table in the middle, a wall from behind supporting the couch. We decided to just sit in the floor so that the foods and drinks in the coffee table would be seen in the video. It is kind of new since Tine had these lighting stuff and vlogging camera. He must be really serious about this.

Tine prepared the popcorn and peanuts, "Shall we start?" I just nodded in response and he sat beside me.

"Sawadee kap, it's Tine the Chic Guy, and we're going to have a q&a with a double twist. The first twist is my cousin, Type will answer the questions with me, and it's not just any q&a, for we will have a drunk q&a!" I did not really know how to act so I just smiled the whole time and acknowledged Tine when he introduced me.

Tine poured the vodka, the Bar Pink and juice in our glasses, and I raised my eyebrows at him. He just smiled in response. I doubt that this taste good. Does he even have an experience in mixing drinks?

I decided to take a drink when Tine asked the first question. Damn, this is really strong.

Tine: "So I posted in my IG what questions you would want us to answer and this is the first question: Are you single? As for me... I am still single as of the moment."

Tine smiled too brightly. Single, my ass. He looked at me, signaling that I should answer.

Type: "I am already taken krub"

Tine: "Oohh, who is that special someone."

Type: "I don't to tell. Your subscribers might take my lover away from me."

Tine: "Possessive, aren't we?"

I just shrugged, a little smile formed in my lips and drank again.

Tine: "For the next question, lights on or lights off?"

He seemed to taken aback by the question, his ears turning red. I wonder if they did it already.

Type: "It's a lights off for me."

Tine: "Umm.. the same as Type."

I offered to read the next, and Tine finished his first glass already. Is he okay? Maybe he fought with Sarawat or something. I looked at the next question and decided to change it. An idea came to mind and I almost choked in my own saliva since it is hilarious. Tine already refilled his second glass, with a lot more vodka this time. If he wanted to just drink without filming, he could just say so.

Type: "So, Tine... sex or chocolates?"

Tine: "Ai Type. We should not answer that. We should remain PG13."

Type: "Just answer it. I doubt your viewers are younger than 13."

I just smirked at him, trying to suppress my laughter as heat colored his cheeks.

Tine: "Of course I'd choose chocolate..."

Type: "He means chocolate flavored condoms guys."

He just pinched my thigh, and I couldn't help but laugh. How does chocolate flavored condom taste? Will Tharn—- Aish. I must be getting drunk.

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