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slight smut in this chapter so skip if you feel uncomfortable

Chapter 10 

Hermione sat at breakfast pushing food around her plate. 

"You gonna eat that Mione," Ron asked hungrily. Hermione shook her head pushed her plate towards Ron.

"Are you okay, you haven't eaten this morning and you look tired," Ginny questioned. 

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine," Hermione said before quickly diverting the conversation.

She was in fact not fine, it was a sunny Saturday morning and she was sitting in a hoodie refusing to eat. She felt sick to her stomach and it was all his fault. 

Had she come on too strong, should she have hidden her feelings, thoughts swarmed her head.  He had been refusing to look at her and she missed his grey stormy eyes and his cute smirk that made her heart flutter. 

She sighed, at least she didn't have to see him till Monday. 

"Mione we're probably gonna go to Hogsmede today, you wanna come?" Harry asked her.  

"I dunno," She responded tiredly.

"Oh come on, pleaseeeee Mione," Ginny pleaded.

"Urgh fine," Hermione responded as she stood up "I'm gonna go back to our dorm and get ready."

"Wait, I wanna come," Ginny said standing up quickly and following her.

The two of them walked out of the great hall, leaving the boys behind. She was almost at the Gryffindor common room when Draco walked into her, making her drop her wand.

He bent down and picked it up. As he handed it back to her he whispered quietly so that Ginny couldn't hear "Potions classroom, Midnight," and then continued to walk off.

"That was strange". Ginny concluded.

Hermione just nodded and headed to her dorm. 

She slipped on a pair of baggy jeans, a white hoodie before meeting the others in the entrance hall. They all headed off to Hogsmede and Hermione instantly felt better. The town was covered in layers of fluffy white snow that sparkled in the sunlight. Hermione felt like she was in a fairytale. 

The group ran around shops all day before finally sitting down at the Three Boomsticks with pockets full of candy and aching legs.

They sat and talked for hours sipping on their warm butterbeer. 

"We better get back to school it's 3:00," Harry said interrupting Ron's story. Ron sighed and reluctantly they all trudged up to the castle. 


It wasn't until later in their dorm that Hermione remembered she was meant to meet Draco late that night. She groaned and hoped that everyone was asleep before then, luckily her dreams came true. 

It was. 11:50 when Harry finally left her to go to bed. She had told him that she had extra study to do, he had nodded and told her not to stay up too late. She felt bad about lying to him but she knew that in this case, it was the best thing she could do.

She crept out of the dormitory and silently made her way to the potions corridor. Her heart was pounding in her chest but somehow she didn't see any teachers. She stopped outside the door,  what if he was tricking her and just trying to get her in trouble. Sighing, she plucked up all her Gryffindor courage, opened the door and stepped inside. 

Draco looked up from the desk he was sitting on and smiled at her. Hermione was slightly shocked, it wasn't his usual smirk or mocking smile. It was a genuine smile and as she watched him she realized how perfect he was.

"I'm so sorry," He whispered. Her heart dropped, so she was right, he really didn't like her back.

"Oh, It's ok, I mean I knew there was no way you would like me back," She answered trying to hide the pain in her voice.

"What?" he asked as he stood up walking closer to her, "I said I'm sorry for making you wait,  I was just too scared to tell you."

"Draco what are you talking about," She wished he would just let her go so she didn't cry in front of him.

"I like you, Hermione, I like you a lot" He gushed, his heart thumping so hard he was scared she could hear it.

"Draco... you don't have to lie just to make me feel better, " Hermione said looking anywhere but his eyes.

He placed his hand under her chin, lifting her head to look him in the eyes "It's not like that.. let me prove it," He reassured her softly.

He pushed her back against the wall and placed his lips on hers. They fit together like a puzzle and as soon as they touched Hermione felt her nerves on fire. She kissed him back as she ran her hands through his messy blonde her hair. He bit down on her bottom lip and dragged away slightly, making Hermione moan softly. This just encouraged Draco more and he pushed his tongue against her teeth. She opened her mouth letting him enter and they fought for dominance. Draco won and pushed her harder against the wall kissing her neck. She moaned his name when he suddenly pulled back.

"What," she asked worriedly? He just placed a finger to her lips and concentrated, as though he was listening out for something. That was when she heard it, footsteps.  

He grabbed her arm and dragged her into the broom closet next to them. It was just in time as the potions door opened and Filch, the caretaker, walked in.

"Filthy little children out of bed after curfew, I'll show them, I'll show them" He hissed to himself. 

Hermione stepped further back into the closet bumping the shelves behind her. A broom fell slamming on the floor and the door swung open.

A flow of colorful words left Draco's mouth as he saw Filch standing there. 

"Sorry," Hermione whispered so Filch couldn't hear her. 

He grabbed them both by the hair and started dragging them towards McGonagall's office all the while talking to himself.

"Ow," Hermione screeched as her head slammed into the stone wall of McGonagall's staircase. 

"Let go of her, can't you see you're fucking hurting her," Draco yelled at the deranged old man but he seemed oblivious and kept singing to himself "I caught the kids, I caught the kids."

When they reached the top of the staircase Professor McGonagall was already standing there, "What is this racket about," she asked sternly. 

"I caught children out of bed in a broom cupboard together," Filch stated happily. Hermione blushed deep red as McGonagall looked at them both, she knew what it sounded like and she didn't think this could get any worse. 

"Thank you Filch, you may go now," She said coldly as the man skipped back down the stars.

"He's fucking mad," Draco muttered a little too loud.

"Mr Malfoy, watch your language," The teacher scolded as she grabbed them both dragging them into the room. 

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