Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Taehyung’s POV

I was so frustrated when Yerin didn’t pick up my calls. Since the day I arrived at Los Angeles, I cant contact her and she didn’t reply my texts too.

Manager - hey..! what’s wrong with you..??

I ignored my manager and try to call Yerin again.

Operator - The number you have dial-

Taehyung - FUCK!!

I hit the table so hard and it make a loud voice. Everyone in the studio were looking at me. They were surprised.

Manager - Yaa..!! Neo waegurae??

He whispered at my ears when we became the centre in this crowd. I don’t care about them because I already had my problems.

I was mad, worried ,sad and disappointed at the same time. My emotions were mix together and I feel like I will become crazy anytime.

Why was Yerin didn’t pick up my call??? Why she didn’t reply my texts?? Why she did this to me?? was she okay in Seoul??

All the questions were running in my mind and I cant concentrate to do my job because of that woman.

Manager - Taehyung…prepare for your last shoot today…

I gave my phone to my manager and get ready to shoot. I try to control my feelings and be professional.

Photographer - Okay lets finish early then we’re done for today…

Then the studio was filled with the camera flashes and lighting everywhere.


I was waiting for my manager in the van. I sighed when I think about Yerin. I was worried like hell when I cant reached her like this. I miss her so much. Its been 4 days I cant hear her sweet voice.

Taehyung - I knew something was not right with you Yerin…pick up your call honey….please….

I try to call her again but failed. Haishhh!!!! I threw away my phone to the seat beside me. I was stressed right now.

I closed my eyes and leaned my back at the seat.

Taehyung - where are you Yerin….. I’m so worried here….

I feel like I will become crazy in any seconds. I cant stand this situation anymore.


My manager get into the van and I don’t care about that.


I quickly grabbed my phone when I heard it was ringing. I was smiling when I thought that it was Yerin but it faded away when the truth was Jungkook was the one who was calling me.

JungKook - Taehyung-aaa….

Taehyung - what?

I asked coldly. I really don’t have the mood to talk right now.

JungKook - When you come home??

Taehyung - Why?

JungKook - nothing just ask you…Ermmm….hey you and Yerin still okay right??

My eyes was open when he ask that.

Taehyung - Why you ask that??

JungKook - ……………..

Taehyung - Why you don’t answer me??!! Kya!! JEON JUNGKOOK!!

JungKook - aniya…Yerin already leave the house..

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