Bucket Hat

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(Time skips) 11:45am

I just finished my home made lunch and went to the sink to wash them. I connected my phone to one of my speakers to put on some music. I do a little dance while I'm washing the dishes (a/n: its fun doing that while washing the dishes hahahaha comment down if you have other extra ways in doing the dishes :))) )

Once I'm finished, I heard the music fade for a moment. Meaning I got a text or notif. I went to the living room to check my phone. Its Sue again.

Sue: hey!!!
Me: what is it dis time?
Sue: me bored :((
Me: sooooooo
Sue: lets go the mall?
Me: whut? Like.. rn??
Sue: umm. Yeah?
Me: what are we going to do there???

I stared at the message for a while. Processing my friend's reply.

Sue: OC were going shopping DUMBY!! What else are we going to do there?
Me: you keep calling me dumby :((
Sue: yeah. Cuz ur dumb hahaha imma edit ur nickname
Me: now ur being mean.. say that one more time and ill kick ur fat ass when we meet later
Sue: soo ur coming??
Me: do i have a choice?? Im bored anyways :|
Sue: cool!! Ill meet u at the mall by 12:15 see yah ;)
Me: byye

I turned of the music and charged my phone in the living room. I groaned a little bit and decided to go upstairs to take a bath.

(Time skips)

I went to my closet to pick out an outfit. Hmmm. An outfit I can slay at the mall but at the same time, can wear it to work. Hmmm.

I scanned through my clothes and decided to wear black leggings and a stretchable black long-sleeved off-shoulder. I also pulled out some socks because Imma wear my black Vans to complete the look.

 I also pulled out some socks because Imma wear my black Vans to complete the look

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(This is the outfit ;))

I went to my bathroom and showered.


"Okay guys. Well done. Take a break." Our choreographer clapped. Signaling us to take our break.

I turned to the members as they huffed and puffed from exhaustion. I went to a table to grab us a water bottle each.

I looked at the clock. 12:30pm. Hmmmm.

"Yah. Jimin-ah. Wanna go to the mall with me?" I asked approaching him, giving one of the water bottles. We have a 3hr window for our break, might as well go to the mall to have lunch. I know it sounds difficult but we have our ways ;) and even though fans can recognize us, I know ARMYs will respect our privacies. Haaaah.. I love ARMY. They love us, support us and most importantly, they know how to respect us so in return, we are doing are best for them to be happy and to not disappoint them. The only thing we are worrying is the saessangs (a/n: is it the correct spelling? :3) those creepy beings..

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