𝓲𝓯𝓽𝓶 XVII

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Chesca and I both looked at each other in confusion.

She's wearing a sling bag, her face obviously glammed. She even has lose curls to complete her chic look.

"Didn't I tell you I'm coming today?" I frowned, where is she going when I informed her beforehand?

She flipped her hair timidly, a mannerism she is used on doing when she is in a tensed situation.
"I'm sorry I totally forgot, Jeno asked me to go to the amusement park and I can't decline.."

I instantly smile, any feeling of sadness faded I was happy.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner! You know I am happy that you and Jeno's getting pretty solid."

That's no lie, I love that she's establishing a strong relationship with Jeno, they both deserve it.

She grinned and hugged me, she then whispered something in my ear.. something I didn't realized earlier.
"Enjoy your time with my bro, hihi."

And before I can even reply, she ran full speed and jumped on her car seat.
I was left frozen..

"Are you gonna stand there forever?"
I immediately faced him, trying very hard to hide my flustered face, I bit my lip. His gaze went down as I did that.

"We can do this some other time."

He returned his stare on my eyes, while he is sternly looking at me, I can't help but look left and right. His head tilted in an angle that made him extremely attractive, I realized he's holding music sheets on his hands.

He turned his back to me but left the door opened.

I hissed to myself, it's obvious he made effort and I'm dismissing him like that? But I just want him to pursue me a little hehe.

I dusted my shoes and placed it beside the doormat.

My hands are shaking a bit because I can't help but think of many possibilities. This is probably the result of reading fanfictions day and night. I quietly tucked the loose hair behind my ear, it's so awkward, I'm never alone with him here, in the whole house.

He popped up behind my back, he's holding a gray mug with a good morning print on it. The smell of coffee invaded my nostrils, I missed it. I resigned from the café because the next few days would be a lot of school works.. and my dad is reacting again.

"Why are you here?"

I rolled my eyes, he want to tease me.
"I changed my mind, teach me senpai."

He chuckled lightly, taking a sip of his coffee, I know it scalded his tongue because he pulled away from it too fast, he made sure I didn't notice by playing it cool but come on, I've been observing him for too long to not notice small things about him.

"Make me a coffee.. please."
He placed down his mug on the small glass table here in the living room and jogged his way upstairs.

I took his coffee, he didn't even drank a third of it. Does it taste bad? In curiosity I tried tasting it, my face grimaced. It tasted sour and bitter, a clear evidence he used too much coffee powder. My mouth tasted bitter.

"Don't judge me, we ran out of 3 in 1."
He didn't look at me, he was busy tying his rubber shoes.

What the freak, why did I sip on his cup? It looks like he don't mind it anyway so I rushed to the kitchen. I poured the cursed coffee and looked for their brewing machine.

I decided to make a heart art latte for him, and for me, iced caramel coffee. I don't know why but I can never stomach hot drinks.

"Thank you."
I handed him the mug, he stared at the heart foam, I hope he don't find it too over.

"A heart."
Not a question, but a statement. I just hummed and nodded, I started to sip on my coffee and sighed in pure satisfaction. This one never fails.

He was staring at it for 3 minutes already and I'm getting curious.
"Your coffee will get cold."

Finally he removed his stare from the mug and looked at me.
"But there's a heart."

"And?" I waited for his reason.

"I can't break your heart.."
That instant, I felt like I choked in my own saliva. My heart clenched and the butterflies on my stomach raged wildly, what the freaking freak of all freaks?

My stomach really went:🦋

I tried snapping out of it but Jed is not done yet. He took his phone and took couple of pics. After I saw him done I took his latte.


I stirred it with my straw from my drink and gave it to him.
"No.. why did you do that?"

I swear my heart freaking melted.

He literally looked like the puppy eye emoji and I feel so bad

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He literally looked like the puppy eye emoji and I feel so bad.
"Because you're supposed to drink that, Jed.."

He nodded slowly and took a sip of his coffee. Since it's already not that hot, he drank it in a short amount of time. I smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

"I will take a jog."

"I thought we're practicing?"

"I have my schedule."
He shrugged and warmed up, I gulped at the sight of his arms and legs. He's just wearing a shirt and shorts, but forgive me dear God for I have sinned after seeing 'that'.

"Come with me."


"Let's take a jog."


This is only a filler chapter💜  I'm not yet ready for angst pray for my soul. Love you all!

i forgot the melody • 𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙠𝙤𝙤𝙠Where stories live. Discover now