[20] The Surprise

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The afternoon was sleepy but I was all awake.

Washing clothes.

Wiping the corner of my eyes, I shook my head. "Do I sound like a horny bitch, Chelsea? Please tell me, honestly. I know him from how many, eight-nine days? Oh my God! I should have counted the days. I should have scratched those tally bars on the wooden door to count days and the date like they do it in the survival movies. I don't know what's date it is today. What's the day today! And I am freaking losing myself to him!"

She smiled sadly while collecting her clothes in the basket. "You have been virgin all your life. A little enjoyment won't harm you."

"Oh! It's going to harm my sanity," I whispered while rubbing finger tips against my lips.

Chelsea put her bucket aside and walked closer to me. She spread the clothes properly that I was trying to hang on the dried stem rope. Amelia had given it to me to use to hang clothes for drying them naturally.

"Did you enjoy it?" She asked, looking at me with those brown eyes.

"I did." I chewed on my lips.

She sighed heavily. "Then, be happy that it happened. Be grateful, it was your choice, not his this time."

Spreading the four skirts and tops, along with Karam's four shirts and two breeches—I stepped back and let out a gasp of relief.

"He must be feeling so victorious." I mumbled and whimpered in embarrassment. "I didn't know I was such a whore. The horny side was so crazy last night. He just had to be that good."

"That good, Erh?" She teased with a straight face and humorous eyes.

I huffed and rolled my eyes, letting out another whimper. "Thank God, he left early in the dawn. I don't know how am I going to meet his eyes again now. I don't think I can do it," I mumbled, kicking a pebble in frustration. "He is. . . I don't know. I couldn't resist it. Yet now I feel, my Gran would hit me."

"Misty, it's your life too. If you enjoyed it, then there's no regret." Chelsea sang while dusting her hands and sitting on the carpet under the tree.

I huffed and sat beside her, laying on my back to look up at the green leaves blocking the sunlight. "There is no regret, Chelsea. But I am uncertain about the future. I am not being honest to myself. I know, I will end up getting pregnant with a Lycan baby if he keeps seducing me like that."

"And how did he seduce you?" She asked, giving me a raise of eyebrows. "Did he lick his lips?"

"No," I whispered.

"Did he roam shirtless in front of you? Did he remove his clothes in front of you? Did he flirt with you?" She asked, defending him.

I twitched my lips and whimpered in frustration. "He flirts. But he didn't flirt before that happened. I don't know. There was this promise in his eyes. The promise of pleasure or something like that. He was intense."

"Intense in pleasing you?" Chelsea asked quietly.

I nodded. "In pleasing me."

"Then, you should only be grateful, Misty. Not everyone gets the pleasure. Some just gets the unnecessary roughness and domination," she whispered absentmindedly while looking up at me.

I glanced at her in sudden worry. "Your mate. . . He-He. . . Don't tell me. . . he gave you those marks?" I asked while observing her right cheek with those two dark scratches.

She glanced at me, our eyes met. "He did."

"Why?" I gasped while sitting up properly. "Why would he do that? He hit you?"

Misty II Where stories live. Discover now