The sixth member.

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Spell for the day :


Allows people to
utilize the art of mind reading. It will reveal memories and also forces the victim to re-experience them.

**Lilia's POV **

"You deserve an Oscar for that acting, Lili." he chuckles.

I laugh along with him.

"Really an Oscar?" I question.

"Oh yeah. And we need to keep up the act. We don't want Iryll to get suspicious and also ask the others to stay away from me, just in case." he says all serious now.

"Why does he even want my blood?" I ask curiously.

"To become powerful. Maybe it's time I tell this. He is--"

"Kylian?" a voice whispers from the other side of the room.

I turn around to see Ingrid standing by my closet.

"How did you get inside?" Kylian asks.

"Oh, so there is a secret tunnel here," he says, answering his question.

How did he know that?

"Babe, I can read minds," he says answering my question, which I didn't even ask out loud.

"What the hell is he doing here? Who let him in?" asks a furious Ingrid.

"I did," I answer sheepishly.

"Care to explain why? And since when did you start talking to him?" She asks still furious. The air around slowly changing and the temperature rising with every passing second. 

"Well, this was also just an elaborate plan of ours." Kylian answers in a firm tone.

"Oh, and what is it?" her voice changes from anger to hurt as she slowly takes a seat by my bed. 

Shit! Ingrid.

"Ingrid, we just didn't mean this to happen, it's just that--"

"What plan is it ?" she questions, completely ignoring me.

"We wanted to test Iryll. I guessed that he probably doesn't know everything about you guys and we just wanted to test that. We wanted to see if he knows you guys are twins and if so, how much does he know about you guys." 

"And what did you find out?" she asks, in a fierce and firm tone. 

"Nothing yet, but it's safer for you guys to stay away from me. So he doesn't suspect you guys," he says looking at me directly in the eyes. His eyes show he is afraid of what might happen, tho I don't see that in his demeanor. 

 Ingrid just huffs in agreement. But nevertheless,  she calms down. 

"I think it's better that you guys start your training, now that he is here, you need it more than ever."

Ingrid doesn't talk much given how angry she is. She just huffs and puffs and rolls her eyes like a big bad wolf. 

"Ahem!" Kylian coughs to cover his laugh. 

Oh god, he is reading my mind again!

I give him my best glare but he just winks at me, and I look around to avoid him or else I'm sure I'd melt.

 After a while, they actually sit and make plans on what to do and how-to. I am bored and I don't notice when I fall asleep. I feel someone stroking my hair and a warm kiss placed on my forehead. But then, for all I know I could be dreaming. 

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