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"Bee Bee Bee Beep Bee Bee Bee Beep" "SLAM".Groaning she slamed her fist on that annoying little table clock of hers.Not that she needed the clock to wake her up cause she did not sleep a wink that night .An unsettling feeling kept her turning and tossing on the bed .Shrugging off the feeling she left her bed.

Sia didn't want to acknowledge the feeling that was still raging inside her. Something has happened ,but what ? Why is this feeling of dread settling over me again and again? GOD have I lost it ?!

When she reached work ,she saw a  few police cars outside her office building. Honestly that didn't bothered her cause detectives often visited the facility to ask the forensic scientists for their help on various cases .But today there were far too many uniformed officers moving about the hallway and to make matters worse she had suddenly become the recipient of weird pitty filled looks.

"Dear God !Did I leave any machine ON last night ? Did I accidentally burn down the lab ?"

Mummbling under her breath  she hurriedly made her way to the lab. And Boom ,there standing in front of the laboratory door was the President of the institute ,Dr. Mason Houser and a stern handsome looking man. Looking at the badge on his belt she  realised that he was a cop.

Great! Looks like today's my last day here ,they're gonna fire me .Yep.

"Good morning President Houser .Is something wrong?"

"Ah there you are Miss Lancaster ,Good Morning. Meet agent Clive Daniel ...umm detective this is Miss Siana Lancaster ,Dr.Gilbert Miles's assistant".

Clive set his hand in front of her expecting a handshake ,she hesitantly met his hand.

"Miss Lancaster I can see lines of confusion etched on your face but don't worry I will explain everything but before that why don't you give me a little tour of your laboratory".

  " Ah okay ,detective please ,do come in" .

Sia led the detective inside . She showed him the various instruments, chemical storage room , working area,documentation room.

"That's a neat lab " he cleared his throat and started speaking again "Miss lancaster why don't you take a seat" .

Detective Clive sat across Sia whilst the president nervously stood facing the window .

"Miss lancaster I'm sorry to inform you that Dr.Gilbert Miles met with an accident yesterday evening.His car went up in flames but he managed to thrown himself out of the car before it blew up ......" before he could say anything else she cut him off

"But he's fine ,yea ? He is okay ,right ? Detective ? Why are you giving me that look ? Tell me !"

She was talking all too fast ,she was rambling.Clive gave her a pitying look and spoke ,

" Looks like someone really wanted Dr.Miles dead. Evidence suggests that he was shot as he tried to defend himself ,we found 5 bullets lodged in his body and several other wounds ".

"No No that can't be true .No !"

She stood up and frantically started pacing the room ,tears streaming down her face.

"Why him ? What did he do ?! "

Clive went to stand besides her.

"This is where we need your help Miss Lancaster ,I'm given the understanding that you were working with  Dr.Miles on a classified project ? We suspect that this project has to do something with his murder .We expect your full cooperation on this matter ,you are to tell us everything you know about Dr.Miles."

This was all too much for her to take in ,she was trying hard to maintain her posture. She just wanted to bury her head in the pillow and scream out her pain.

"Miss Lancaster? Are you alright ?"

Clive was staring at her expecting an answer ."Miss Lancaster ?"

"Huh ...yea ,yea I'll...I'll help you I'll help you ...I'll..I ..." blackness clouded her vision. As she hit the ground ,she could hear Clive calling out her name .


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