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Bob and morty walked onto the porch.

"Clayton! you're back. We were here to have some fun with your lady but looks like she just hates fun" Bob laughed.

Clayton walked Sia back to his truck and ushered her into the seat and handed her a bottle of water.

" Just lay here okay. I'll be back"

He closed the door and walked to the back of his truck and pulled out an iron rod and walked towards both of them.

Bob snatched the baseball bat from Morty and ran towards Clayton. He swung the bat at Clayton but he ducked and dogged the attack and before Bob could swing it back ,Clayton hit him hard in the stomach with the rod.

Blood splattered out of Bob's  mouth. Clayton took an aim at bob leg and hit hard and sent bob rolling in pain . He kicked him in his gut and ribs until bob was crying out in pain, holding his hands to beg Clayton to stop hitting him.

"How dare you touch her! How fucking dare you!" He kicked him again.

"She's mine! MINE! "clayton yelled loudly.

Morty tried to run past the stairs towards the truck. Clayton threw the rod and jumped at Morty. He threw a few punches at his face and stomach until he was limp.He pulled Morty and threw him over Bob.

"Take him and get lost. If I see you again I will skin both of you alive. You hear me .GET OUT!"

Morty tried to pick up unconscious bob with all his might and hurried towards the truck.


Clayton ran back to his truck and quickly opened the door. Sia was slumped unconscious in her seat. He gently picked her up and strode inside the house.

He hurried into his room and laid her on his bed.
Oh no no no . Sia wake up please ,please wake up. Oh God.

He pealed off her clothes and laid her in her undergarments to check on the injuries. There was a nasty bruise below her right breast. There was a cut on her cheek and a bruise was forming on her jaw. There were scratch marks on her shoulder. He picked up her bloodied arm to check for the cuts. Shards of ceramic were still lodged in some cuts. He carefully pulled them out. Then he ran to the kitchen and filled some luke warm water in a bowl and carried the first aid kit to her. He wiped away all the blood and cleaned the wounds with an antiseptic solution. He gently applied the healing ointment on the wounds and bandaged them and put and anti inflammatory ointment on the bruises.

He heard spike barking from the other room . Clayton found spike in the hamper. He quickly pulled the pup out and kissed him and they walked back to the room . He  covered Sia with the comforter and the pup crawled in besides her as well.He was worried. The images of her running into his arms all covered in blood played in his head over and over again. He wanted to rip bob into shreads. She was his and if anyone would touch her then he was gonna send them to their bloody graves.

He thought that if the sight of her in cuts and bruises had bothered him so much then how will he be able to bear it when Roy gets his hands on her,when he tortures her? Will he be able to fight Roy? Was he ready to let her go ? He didn't have answers to any of these but he knew that he had grown to care for her, he was falling for her and he was going to express his feeling to her but what if she hated him and even if she loved him back will they be able to live peacefully?

His mind was a battleground. Unknowingly he placed his hand over hers and he flinched. She was warm , he touched her forehead and it felt hot too.

Oh no no the fever is rising . Shit I can't even take her to the doctor. What should I do?!

He thought for a while and fished out his phone and dialed.

" Hello? Max? Max can you please come to my house right now....yes my ranch house friend was attacked .....yea she has some cuts and bruises ......yes the fever has set in ....okay ....okay thanks ."


Max had checked Sia . He had injected Sia with an antiseptic injection and some given healing gel and tablets for the wounds . He had asked clayton to lay a cold water cloth on her forehead until the fever died down. He then walked out with Clayton carrying his medical kit bag.

"Don't worry son she'll be alright. Take care of her and once she wakes up ,feed her well. Give her some soup and vegetables. Apply the gel on the scratches and make sure she doesn't work around much. The scratches will heal but the bruise on her rib is nasty. It'll take time to heal. Now I'll take my leave and you take care of the young lady."

"Thank you Max ,thank you for driving so far for me. What's the fee? "

"There's no need for that Clayton I didn't drive myself, I have Joshua for that " he laughed

"When I was sick and nearly dying did your mother ask for any fee for caring for me ? She saved my life and you want me to take money from you? No no. You just take care of your friend and call me if there's a problem okay ?" Max patted Clayton shoulder.

" Yea .alright thank you "

"Goodbye Son"

" Bye max"

Clayton walked back to the room to be with her, he just wanted Sia to wake up.


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