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Clayton had decided to take a break somewhere in the evening. He had fetched them dinner and they were quietly eating it when she spoke up

" I don't know your name"

He had just taken a bit of his sandwich, he quickly pushed it down his throat and looked up at her as if she had grown an another head.

"What ? "

"I don't know your name"

" Good "

" Are you a professional kidnapper ? "

"What was your first clue?"

"Well a kidnapper always introduces himself to his hostage ,that's that I've watched in movies"

"No he doesn't and this isn't a movie"

"Really ? It sure does seem like it "

He was losing it.

"Clayton. My name's Clayton "

"Oh Hi Clayton, I'm Siana Lancaster "

He gave her a pointed look .

"You already know that I reckon"

He gave her a fake smile and before she could say anything else he turned up the volume of the radio.

Annoying little brat. Isn't she afraid of me ,am I not intimidating enough.

He looked at himself in the side view mirror . Sure his brown eyes and golden brown lock gave him a heartthrob look but he did look bad real badass. He thought maybe the girl had turned a little delusion after her head hitting episode.

He turned his attention back at her to find her staring at him .


" I wanna pee"

" Then go pee" .He stressed on the P.

" it's dark and we're all alone ,I don't have a torch "

"You're not going in the woods to do your business, just get behind the truck and do your pee pee. "

" what about the incoming vehicles"

"No one takes this route. Now go "

She did as she was told. She felt the cool clean air ,she took in a deep breath and retreated.

After eating he too walked out to take a piss ,he had taken the keys with him just incase she decides to run away with his truck and leave him stranded in the midst of nowhere. He moved around for a bit, relaxing his legs which hurt from being in the cramped state all day .He walked back into the truck when he felt better.

" I hope you feel relieved your highness, can we get back on our journey now" he mocked.

"As you wish ,Captain" She decided that she was not gonna hold back.

He cursed under his breath and drove .He had to reach halfway across the states by morning where he would change vehicles. He was tired and sleep was tugging at his eyes but he couldn't take the risk of stopping somewhere for a nap.He pulled out a coffee can that was no longer ' chilled' as the name suggested. He took a gulp and kept driving.

Sleep was hard to come. She was pondering about all that had happened in the day. It was such an event full day. At one moment she was walking to work and the next thing she knew is that she's driving across the states with a Clayton.

Oh grandma watch over me . God in the heavens above,if they're gonna kill me then please be kind enough to give me a swift and clean death.

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