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Clayton parked his truck on the side of the highway. Getting down he made his way into the woods .He took the path where the grass was crunched and dried up giving an impression of a path leading somewhere. How he hated such terrain. His foot slipped a few times over the rocks that were slippery cause of the morning dew.

After walking for almost ten minutes he reached an old ready to collapse gate .Wines of weeds and flowers were scattered over it .He pushed aside a few wines and found an intercom call box

"It's Clayton Reign ,open up".

A few seconds later a well hung man with dark shades and black suit walked upto the gate and allowed him inside. The bouncer like fellow led him to the manor. The inside of the manor was dark and gloomy ,it smelled of dust and moisture but the place was well kept.Clayton was led up to a room ,the man in suit motioned him inside and closed the door behind him .

"You're late "

Clayton snapped his head towards the voice .Boris Roy stood with his hands in his pocket ,facing the window staring out into the woods.

" My apologies but I didn't gracefully glide to your lavish manor ,my lord" Clayton snapped .

Roy gave a low chuckle

"Have a se..." turning around Roy found Clayton already making himself comfortable and stretching his legs on the rich mahogany table.

"Take your legs off the table and don't touch the cigarette " clayton shrugged and did as he was told.

"I've got a job for you ,do it and you get five thousand dollars "

"Five ? Five ? What are you kidding me ?  "

"Hear me out " Roy sat across him and turned the laptop screen towards Clayton.

"Here ,this is Siana Lancaster . I want you to abduct this woman and keep her at your ranch .You'll be provided with all her details and the plan as to how you'll be carrying everything out" 

Roy explained the plan to him and gave him all the details required.

"For how long do you want me to keep this lady ? "

"Most probably three to four months"


Roy raised his hand to Claytons tone.

"I will let you know about that but for now you are going to do as I have planned "

"Alright,I think I've got it but I'm still not gonna do it "

Roy gave him a stern look
"Why not? Do you want more money ?"

"Hell yea I want more money .I'm  gonna tie up that girl in my ranch, keep a 24/7 watch on her ,I'm gonna invest all my hours beating out the secrets from her ,feed her look after her and you expect me to do all that in just five thousand dollars? I'm not an idiot, its thirty thousand dollars and not a penny less "
Clayton was truly testing Roy's limits .Roy stood abruptly from his chair ,the chair was pushed backwards with a screech and fell with a loud thud .

"Don't overstep your boundaries,boy " Roy was serious now .His hazel eyes radiating fury.

"I will give you fifteen thousand dollors and spare your life for the disrespectful tone you just took on me. ...The FBI has already started pushing on this case and I want that girl before she ruins everything. Now gather this file and get started .Keep me updated, you know how and don't fail me"

Clayton just rolled his eyes ,he picked up the file and gave one last look to Roy and left but paused at the door when Roy called out to him .

"Clayton. If you fail I won't hesitate to kill you".

With one last brooding look, he left the room.

Clayton reached his truck and got in clearly frustrated. He threw the file on the dashboard. A photo slid out from it and landed on his lap. He wanted to put the picture back into the file but couldn't help but notice the innocent looking girl in the picture , making her way through the crowded street .She was tall with long hair , she looked like an angel ,soft and serene. 

Oh angel I'm so gonna catch you and when I do .... he chuckled to himself and put the photo into his jacket and drove .He had to make arrangements to catch this little angel .


Sia was now seated in her lab with a cup of coffee .The warmth form the mug soothing her .After she had regained her consciousness detective Daniles had consoled her ,asked a few question and then taken his leave .Things were hard to contemplate.

Why would someone kill Dr.Miles ? If someone wanted to get hold of his research then why kill him? How did the FBI manage to get their claws into this so quickly ? There's something beyond my understanding here. Detective daniles obviously hasn't  told me the entire thing. could I be in trouble as well ? Oh God ,what is happening!

She had been sitting in the same spot for too long ,she had to get started with her work .Dr.Miles was gone but that didn't mean she didn't have her stuff to work on. She wiped her face, took in a few deep breaths and got up .

Alright girl, you got this .you're strong ,just keep your head in the work and be brave .

She picked up her notepad and pulled her favourite pink pen from the holder. She noticed something odd . A piece of matching pink color was rolled around the pen and the edges were stuck with a transparent tape.

That's strange I didn't put a paper around it. She carefully peeled off the tape and unrolled the paper .There was something written on it. She quickly scooted over to the table lamp .It was written:

'V23 minus 3 to 8=x
TI81 minus 1 to 4=y
X+Y= answer '

Oh now what the fresh hell is this !Argh! Think Sia THINK !! V23 V23 what could V23 be ....wait a minute V23 ! Periodic table.

She quickly fetched the large general chemistry book from the cupboard.

"Okay here it is V 23 yea .That's it...its Vanadium .Now TI 81 that's Thallium "

Okay Vanadium and Thalium alright but what's this minus 3 and 8 to 4 ...huh ? damn ...think think think .....hmmmm...oh oh hold on
VANADIUM that's 8 letters so Vanadium without letters from 3rd place to the 8th place gives us VA and for Thallium with the elimination of letters in the 1st place to 4th place we get LIUM ......okay so  X +Y will be Valium....Valium that's it !its Valium.

"Huh ? what am I gonna do with valium?

She was truly annoyed now.

"What the hell does this mean !?"

That's when her eyes fell on the Guide for Brand and Generic drugs.

"Hold on. We don't have Valium in the lab but Valium is Diazepam and Dr.Miles had contributed to the study of side effects of Diazepam"

She quickly ran to the cupboard rummaging through the files and bound books and then she found it .The black book with golden metal border ,the duplicate copy of the paper that Dr.Miles had written one of the side effects of Diazepam. She flipped through the pages carefully not missing a single thing .But she found nothing ,there was nothing out of the blue amongst the pages .

"Oh now where did I go wrong "

Before slamming the book shut she decided to take one final peek that's when she sensed sometimes different on the last page .An extra page was added and it wasn't just one page but two pages were stuck together and something was pressed between them .


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