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After she was done eating she took a quick tour of the house. The kitchen was big ,she liked it .There was a door that led into the back porch ,there was a small shed down there. She strolled back into the house ,there were three rooms. Just then Clayton entered from the main door.

"Done touring around ?"

" Not yet ,why don't you show me around?" She gave him a sly smile.

Yea I'll show you around ,Vixen.

"Sure why not ,come on in here .This is your bedroom ,your highness" sarcasm dripping from his voice .She walked into a small but comfy bedroom.

Oh good at least this room looks somewhat clean.

"This is a nice room"

"So you like it ? Good"

He entered the room and closed the door behind him.She turned towards him abruptly. There was a predatory gleam in his eyes. He took slow steps towards her. Fear now starting to cloud her eyes. For every step he took towards her she took a step back until she hit the edge of the bed.

"Sit down"

She looked at him dumbfolded.

"I said sit down"

She quickly sat down on the edge of the bed.He walked towards the cupboard and pulled out a rope and a coil of duct tap.

"Wha...what are you doing?"

"I am being a good kidnapper. You wanted the kidnapper movie experience so that's what I'm giving you."

He walked towards her ,pulled her wrists ahead and started tying the rope around them. She suddenly pulled at it ,trying to stop him from what he was doing

"Please don't do this ,I've told you I won't run away "

She had again started reasoning him and he was in no mood to bear her chatter.

He let go of her hands and pulled out a gun and aimed it at her head. She stopped talking. With wide eyes she tried to looked at the gun aimed at her.

"You have a gun?"

"What kind of a kidnapper do you think I am ? The one who lures kids with candy " he mocked.

"Now shut your mouth" . He brought the gun near his lips and mimicked the finger on the lips with the gun.

Giving up she looked down at her lap and put her hands up to him. He found the act very seductive as if she was asking him to tie her up and spank her hard.He tucked in his gun and proceeded with the ropes. He bound her hands and feet tightly. He looked down at the duct tape coil and decided that it wasn't necessary, he had scared her off with the gun anyway.

He then pulled her back into the bed so that her back was resting against the headboard. And he pulled a chair for himself. He sat down looking at her.

"Now listen to me carefully. I was told to kidnapped you by Boris Roy, you might not know him but get one thing straight ,that man is evil. He runs the biggest drug racating ring in North America and if you play games with him ,he'll burn you alive. And right now he's pretty mad at you and that Doctor of yours. The doctor was killed by his own foolishness so now his attention is on you. He needs something that you have"

She snapped her head towards him trying to mask the shock.

"He says you know something about the drug. Do you have the  information?"

She was now staring at her bound hands.The charms from the bracelet were digging into her skin.

"Keeping quite will not help you. I'm sitting you down here nice and quite but once Roy gets his hands on you, he'll torture you to death ,you'll regret that you were born. Just tell me everything and you won't have to undergo his wrath"

She slowly looked upto him. "I don't know anything"

He threw his head back clearly frustrated.

"No ,you don't understand, I really don't know anything. I was not working with Dr.Miles on the drug project. Everyone at the institute knows that"

"Then why does Roy insists that you know how to make the drug"

Blood had drained from face.

How did he know. No one knows that except me and Dr.Miles ...did Dr.Miles tell him that? ...why would he do that, why would he put me in danger ...


He was intensely staring at her. She had suddenly gone pale . She was deep in her thoughts. He could feel her eyes everywhere but him.If only she confided in him then probably Roy wouldn't hurt her much .She would obviously be caged for her whole life but at least he won't kill her. Somehow the thought of someone harming her did not appeal him. He wanted her to be safe.

But was she safe ? With him at least? He had a hundred thoughts about her since the past two days ,he wanted to throw her on his bed and screw her senseless ,to do unspeakable things to her ,to hear her scream his name in pain and pleasure . He dismissed his thoughts and gently laid his hand on her arm, she flinched backwards but he held her in place.

"Tell me "

" I ...I really don't know anything
I was not working on the project. Why would anyone tell Roy such a thing. I swear to you I know nothing. I was just his assistant, just following orders and not experimenting with him. Trust me."

How he wanted to trust her but he wasn't naive. He'd been a professional kidnapper, a criminal since young age and he was very good at what he did .He knew when someone  were  lying and she was lying to him right now.

He understood that she won't break that easily, she needed time and he was in no hurry.

"Okay. Take some rest ,I'll be back by evening. Call me if you want anything"

And he left the room.

He knows that I'm lying . Oh God what am I going to do! There's no way something so confidential could have reached the ears of  whomever this Roy is. There must be a link I'm missing . I counting someone out but whom ?

She lay her head back against the headboard , closed her eyes and dived into her thoughts again to think ,to remembered, to find what she was missing.

After a few minutes she suddenly  opened her eyes and sat upright.

The man with Dr.Miles in the video! If Dr.Miles was confident enough to let that man inject the drug into him then he sure must be a confidant of Dr.Miles. Is he the one behind all of this or is his life in danger as well? It somehow has to be this man. But who is he ? Certainly Dr.Miles couldn't have thrown me to the dogs. He would never do that.

She was helpless ,she could tell no one what's bothering her. So for now she thought it'll be best if she acted dumb and tried to distract Clayton. If she was to die then so be it but before that she would like to meet Roy .


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