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"Pick her up Hanks and ready the tray "

Hanks picked up Sia's chair and walked towards the cupboard. He pulled out a silver tray covered with a red velvet cloth and set it on a stand  besides her. Roy took off his suit jacket and rolled the sleeves of his crisp white shirt. He walked towards the tray and picked up the cloth.

She caught the silver gleam of the objects in that tray. There was a set of knives ,tongs and other tool that were possiblely used for human torture . She nervously gulped. This was bound to happen to her she thought. Clayton had warned her about this.

Roy picked up a thin sharp knife and  walked towards her.

"I'm still giving you a choice ,join me "

"Never" she seethed.

Before she could understand she felt a piercing pain in her arm. She threw her head back and screamed at the sudden sharp pain. She looked down at her arm, a long deep gash ran down from her shoulder to her elbow. Blood was streaming out of it and pooling on the floor.

She steadied herself . She bit her bottom lip to control the pain. Her eyes were red with unshead tears. He walked back to her.

"I'm still giving you a chance , join me "

She just glared at him. He raised his arm for another blow when the door slammed open.

"Boss.  Clayton is here. He want's to meet you"

Roy put the knife into the tray and walked back to Hanks ,he cleaned his hands and proceeded to wear his jacket.

"Very well, let's meet the lover boy ,shall we.... Hanks gag her"


Clayton was armed and ready for everything. His only aim was to save Sia.

He was wating in Roy's office when the connecting door opened and Roy entered with two other men at his heel.

"What do you want ?" Roy walked pass Clayton

"I want to meet her "

"Meet who ?"

"I know you have her ,please let me talk to her"

"I'm sorry Clayton but that's not how this works . Now leave cause I'm very busy"

Roy turned to leave. Clayton caught his arm to stop him. Roy shrugged his arm away in disgust.

"Before I have you killed Clayton, leave "

"Kill me if you want but please let me talk to her just once. I promise I'll convince her to give you what you want"

"You couldn't do that in three months then how are you planning to do it now?" Roy yelled at him.

" Very well but if she refuses to speak even after your little talk ,then you're good as dead" he warned Clayton.

Roy motioned one of his men to allow Clayton inside.


Clayton walked into a gloomy room. He walked inside taking in  the surrounding. He stood rigid in his spot when he spotted the chair with Sia bound to it. He ran to her. She was gagged, and a bloody cut ran down her arm and blood was pooling on the floor. Her eyes were closed.

He patted her face gently.

"Sia sia."

She opened her eyes slowly. Her eyes were red and she was pale with exhaustion. Hot tears started streaming down her face when she saw him.

He cupped her face and pushed her hair back that were falling at her eyes. He knelt besides her.

"Sia don't worry ,I'm here and I'm going to get you safe.  Here I have something for you"

He pulled out the bracelet from his pocket and put it on her wrist.  He could barely hold his tears.

"See ,I've got you a new charm. It's a heart , its my heart Sia. Even if I don't make it ,my heart will always belong to you ,I'm giving it to you Sia. I love you."

He stood up and and kissed her forehead .

"Trust me Sia,  I'm going to get you out"

He gave her one last look and walked towards the door.


She wanted to cry ,to hold on to Clayton. She wanted to hide in his embrace,  she wanted to be with him. tears slid down her eyes as he walked away from her. She felt an unbearable pain in her throat as a sob clawed at it.

She stared at the floor ,her tears falling down. She knew this day was gonna come but she hadn't anticipated that the emotional pain of seeing him walk away from her would be so immense.

A loud bang alerted her. She frantically looked around her. She could hear gunshots and shouting. Suddenly the door slammed open and a man in black suit ran toward her but before he could reach her he fell forward with a thud ,blood spilling to the floor.

Clayton stood with a gun in his hand. He ran towards her and untied her. She hugged him tightly. He pulled her taking care not to hurt her arm.

"Come on we gotto go"  he said ushering her outside.

They ran out of the room , bodies were lying on the floor ,they exited the room and entered the hallway. He quickly ducked them when a series of shots were hurled around them. He motioned her to crawl behind him. Bullets were hitting around them. He paused and quickly got up and shot at someone at the opposite side and ducked back and urged her forward.

They reached the wing of the manor where a visible clash between Roy's men and police was going on . They were from the FBI. She spotted detective Mark Desmond hidden behind a pillar taking alternate aims at the enemy opposite them.

Clayton pulled her behind one pillar and he took his aim at Roy's men. The sound of gunshots were hurting here ears. She placed her hands on her ears and bent down. Clayton cursed as his gun ran out of bullets ,he was checking his jacket for a spare magazine just then a man in suit approached Clayton and Sia yelled to alert him.

"Clayton look out"

Clayton looked at the approaching man and hit him square in his face with the empty gun. He beat the man unconscious and took his gun and held Sia's hand.

"We need to get out"

They ran straight ahead ,bullets being fired around them. They hid behind a large table. Clayton reloaded his gun and fired with both the weapons. He heard Sia calling out his name.

"Sia ?"

He looked behind to see that she was gone. He slid forward looking for her when he saw Roy pulling her towards the other side.


He wanted to run behind them but the constant firing around him made it difficult. He ducked on last time and sprang upwards and shot the enemy and then ran in search of Sia.


Roy held her wounded arm in a tight grip.

"You bitch.  I won't let you ruin me . I will make you pay"

He was pulling her towards one of the rooms on the ground floor. He entered the room and locked the door behind him. He pulled her towards a large table,  he pulled open the drawer and pressed a big red button. The book shelf attached to the wall opened up to a secret passage.

He tugged at her arm painfully and walked into the passage, the shelf closing behind them.


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