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They were finally going to reach their destination, Oregon. Clayton was feeling relieved already. He just wanted to jump into his bed and drift off to sleep. His muscles were aching for the tiring 45hour journey.

They were delayed due to unexpected traffic and road works .They reached his ranch house early morning on their third of travel. He parked the truck in front of his timber ranch home.

Boy it's good to be home.

He looked at her ,she was sleeping peacefully, she had snuggled with her dirty hand bag. He raked his gaze over her sleeping form. He had learnt quite some things about her and the most troubling fact was that she was barely afraid of him. No matter what he said or what he did she somehow managed to find humor in his serious threatening comments. He was sure that she had gone nuts but he soon realized that she was actually a brave woman. He liked her.

I'm gonna enjoy taming you.

His thoughts had started wandering off when he realized that she was waking up.

" Clay ? Why'd we stop?"

Yea . Despite him warning her to not call him 'Clay' she hadn't backed down, instead she had started reasoning him.

"Oh come on ,its a big name 'Clayyytonnn'...what's wrong with Clay ? It's an equally cute name"

"Cute ? You think Clay is cute ? "

"Well yea ."

"You're not calling me that. End of story"

He smiled to himself thinking about it. He quickly cleared his throat.

" Wake up, we're here."

"We've reached your home? "

As she stepped out of the truck, fresh early morning breeze blew across her face.

Wow this place is....oh my this is wonderful... .

The sky was lighting up, tall trees surrounded the area ,she could see mountains further back , she could even hear the sea ,the waves hitting the rocky cliffs ,the distant squeals of sea gulls ,she could feel it all.

She then turned around towards the large timber ranch house . It was beautiful. It had such a spacious porch ,she had always wanted to spend her time on a porch like this. To sit on a rocking chair while watching the rain fall to the ground ,enjoying the leaves blow around in the wind during autumn.

This place is like something out of my dreams.

She was still admiring the beauty when Clayton pulled at her arm and had started dragging her inside the house.

"Quit daydreaming and get inside"

She was hoping for a beautiful inside, polished wood flooring ,nice fireplace ,rustic couches and rugs. But all her thoughts crashed to the ground like blue ice falling out of an airplane lavatory. Yikes!

This place was a dump. She couldn't believe her eyes. How could something that was so pretty from the outside was an absolute mess on the inside. She somehow related it to the human personality.

"Hey ! Snap out of it " he scolded.

" This place is a mess"

" Well thank you for the enlightenment, your highness" he snapped at her and pulled her further inside.

"The bathroom is over there ,go freshen up and then I'll give you something to eat".

He pushed her towards the bathroom handing her a tooth brush and a small towel.

"Call me when you're done" saying that he locked the door behind her.

She desperately needed a bath . Her clothes and hair smelled of sweat and dust. She quickly striped and put her clothes in a cane basket that lay nearby. She carefully took off her bracelet and put it in her coat pocket. She stepped under the shower and let the cool water wash down all the sweat and dust.

She wanted the water to wash out her worries and fears too. She was kidnapped by someone powerful and Clayton was just a pawn in their game. She had tried to fish out a few things from him yesterday but he hadn't said much. This game would surely end up hurting her in the worst possible way. And even if she was rescued ,the government would make sure that her identity was erased from the face of the earth. She had worked on government projects for a few years now and she knew that a scientist being killed for his research was not a thing to be taken lightly. A lot of people were sure to be involved in this. There must be blood on the hands on many ,those who appeared to be her friends might actually be the ones to betray her.

She was far away from them ,but now she had to deal with far worse than scheming traitors ,she had to deal with the mastermind.

She stepped out of the shower and brushed her teeth. She felt fresh. Clayton did have a good collection of soaps but they all smelled like musk. And the only shampoo he had was a beer shampoo.

Men and their ever growing obsession with beer.

She felt nice and clean. She dried herself with the towel. When she tried to wrap it around her ,it didn't wrap all the way around,it was small and skimpy. Plus her clothes smelled and she had no desire to wear them again. She had no option but to ask Clay for help.

"Clay ? Clay , CLAY"

"What? You done ?"

"Um yea ,but there's a problem"

"What problem?"

"I don't have clean clothes to wear. Can you provide me with some ?"

" what you think I wear skirts and roam around the town at night ? I don't have any womens clothes . Just wear your clothes and come out"

"No no clay please, please don't do this. Just lend me one of your tshirts and boxers please"

Damn this girl.

Luckily he had filled in his wardrobe and stocked the kitchen before he had left for Baltimore.Though the house was his he didn't actually live here . He lived in a small apartment over the garage that he owned.He walked towards his bedroom and pulled out a black shirt and a cotton boxer for her.

"Alright open up "

"leave it at the door ,I'll take them"

"Just .open .the .door. NOW"

She meekly opened the door and set her hand out whilst hiding behind the door. After a few seconds he placed the clothes in her hand and walked away.

She closed the door and quickly put on the fresh clothes. The tshirt was so big that she could wear it as a cocktail dress with few alterations. Just when she opened the door she realized that there was mirror on the left side of the door so that ment when she was hiding her semi naked form behind the door Clayton could acually see her in that mirror ,that is if he had paied attention.

Why of course he had seen me ! That'll explain the delay in handing me the clothes . Jerk.


He saw her walking into the kitchen. "Come here ,sit and eat this".

He had set out toasts, butter, bacon and a cup of coffee for her.

"Oh thanks . I'm starving "

She quickly dug into her plate. She couldn't complain for the treatment she was receiving. It was as if she was on a camping trip where she was to do as the instructor said but in turn she'll be regularly fed and taken care of .

He was watching her eat ,he noticed the way she was smiling to herself.

Oh princess that smile is gonna be so short lived and I'm gonna miss that nonsense chatter of yours .He smirked.


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