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She was still standing there , staring outside.

I have to tell detective Clive. This newspaper is just a few days old that means Houser is roaming around freely. He has smartly avoided himself from all this drama. I need to reach detective Clive but how ..can I trust clayton with this ...he loves me surely  he won't let me die by Roy's hands but ...

Then she remembered what Dr.Miles had written in his letter ,he had said that one day she will find someone whom she could trust ,someone who'll protect her .

She had no one in this world except clayton . He was her only hope.

That's when she heard Clayton coming out of the bathroom.

"Ah looks like I need more M seal ...Sia I'm heading off to the town I'll be home quickly "

As he was heading out Spike pulled at his pant.

" Looks like he wants to tag along ,you don't mind  if I take him with me right?"

She just nodded and he kissed her and he was out before she could say anything.


Clayton was driving towards the town. The seal was just a lie to slip out of the house. He was going to find the jewellery shop and get her bracelet back.

He easily found the shop and entered it.

"Hello there ,are you looking something for your lady perhaps ?"

"Umm yes actually.  On Christmas eve a girl brought an emerald locket from you in exchange for her silver bracelet "

"Yes yes ..I remember.  She was very persistent on buying it , what about it young man?"

"I want it back "

"You mean you want to buy it back ? With money ?"

The man was smart. Clayton smiled at his comment.

"Yes I will buy it"

"Okay then ,here you go"

Clayton bought the bracelet and a heart shaped charm. He wanted to see the smile on her face when she saw her beloved bracelet.

As he was approaching his truck his phone buzzed, he answered it.

"Hello....yes . I'm ready"

Sadness had clouded his face but the thought of Sia , her happy face helped him forget everything that was troubling him. He was going to get her safe even if meant that he couldn't be with her.


He had reached home. He parked the truck and slowly walked towards the house. He felt something odd. The door was wide open, she never left the door open unless she was strolling in the lawn . He walked inside the house, the pup started  barking and growling.  He had never seen him do that before.His heart was beating fast now.

"Sia ?"

No answer. He ran to the backyard

"Sia !"

There was not a sound ,he ran into their rooms ,the living room,the kitchen but she was nowhere . He fell to his knees on the floor . That was not possible. He yelled out.

He heard spike growling at something below the table .Clayton reached the table and kicked it down. It was a pair of black shades.

"Roy!" He said breaking the shades in his hands.

Clayton pulled out his phone and dialed.

"Detective Daniel's, Roy has got Sia"


Sia woke up feeling an intense pain in her head. She slowly opened her eyes and winced as the bright light assaulted her vision. She was in an unfamiliar location. She knew she had to face this someday. She wanted to cry out , she wanted clayton to come rescue her but she was alone in this, she had to fight this alone. But will clayton just let her go ? Was he going to let her die ? She questioned herself.

She had no answers to any questions in her mind. But she knew one thing for sure that something bad was coming her way. Something worse.

The door slammed open and men in black suits and dark shades walked in . They all stood around her and then she heard those footsteps. The clicking of boot heal against the floor. A tall ,well built man walked in. He had mesmerizing hazel eyes and a very cruel face. She knew he had to be Roy.

"Siana darling . How are you ? I hope Clayton took good care of you ,based on his recent behavior looks like he has been taking more than just care of you". He laughed ,but it did not reach his eyes.

She just stared at him not uttering a word. There was only hatred for him in her mind. She wanted to empty an entire pistol into him.

"Ah I see fire in your eyes... do you hate me ?" He said faking the sad eyes.

"I had no choice Sia . Gilbert just wouldn't cooperate ,I was going to give him a chance to live but he just shot himself and then Hanks here.... "
He pointed at a man besides her

"...he just lost his cool. Shot him in frustration" he paced around her and laid his hands on her shoulder. She shook them off and he inturn held them even tightly.

"Don't play with me Sia." His voice was grave. " I'm giving you a chance to live ,just give me what I want and you'll be happy forever"

He walked around and lowered himself to her eye level.

"What do you say ?"

She spat on his face.He silently backed away and cleaned his face then walked back to her and slapped her right across her face. He held her face tightly in between his fingers

" I've already told you ,give me what I want and I will let you live.  How hard is that ?". He let go of her roughly and walked back to the window.

"Lets make a deal ,you give me the formulation and I will give you all you want. A lavish villa, cars , men, even a fancy lab where you can make more drugs" he turned towards her stuffing his hands in his pocket.

Sia just gave him a look for a while and then she spoke.

" So I see Mason Houser has told you everything"

He may or may not have but Sia thought that she felt him going pale for a second. He nervously laughed and walked back to her.

" Ah so you know. Houser did supply me quality information all these years but that man is an idiot. Now Miss Lancaster, tell me what you think of my offer?"

" I don't care if you kill me ,I will never tell you anything" she looked away.

He laughed "oh you don't have to tell me anything, you can just give me documented proof of the drug "

It was her turn to laugh.

" Dig up the entire earth, Roy but you won't find it"

She had broken his limit. He slapped her so hard that her chair fell side ways. Something slipped from her hand and slid across the floor.

Roy bent down to pick it up.
"A locket I see"

"Don't touch it " she seethed at him.

Roy handed the locket to Hanks .

" Open it Hanks, see what we've got in there"

Hanks opened it. "Nothing boss ,just a picture of an old lady"

Roy was staring at her intensely.

"Smash the locket, but be careful"

"No no, don't touch that locket ..No "

Hanks had smashed it to pieces. "No boss ,there's nothing. It's all metal"

Roy gave Sia a sharp glare. She just smirked at him.


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