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"When I was new at the institute I was blow away with all the labs and instruments. I wanted to be just like those genius scientists. Finding drugs, curing diseases and all." She chuckled nervously.

"During lunch hours I used to stroll the garden and one day I found a cat. She was very friendly. I started feeding her daily. She used to sit in my lap and purr " she gave out a chuckle. He smiled at her.

"One day I realised that she was pregnant and I decided to take her home and care for her. The next day I went looking for her and she was missing. For days I kept looking ,I thought she must have wandered off to a better place and I let go of it. One day I was delivering some papers to the other wing of pharmaceuticals department when I accidentally walked into their animal model lab. And there on their table lay a cut open cat. She was long dead and besides her were small shrunken kittens. When I took a closer look I wanted to yell out in pain. It was the same cat I used to feed.  When I looked around I found there were so many animals, dogs ,monkeys ,rabbits, mice ,all of them caged. They were clawing at the cage and winning and squealing in pain.For days I had nightmares I could hear them screaming, I could hear them banging their cage doors to let them out ...I know that some experiments do require animal models but some experiments are way too unethical. They torture animals for silly studies. When I tried to voice this ,the president of the institute threatened me into keeping quite. He had said the exact same thing as you had said."

Silent tears were falling down her eyes. He put an arm around her and pulled her into his embrace. She hid her face into his chest and sobbed.


He could feel his heart breaking. He believed he didn't have one but right now an unknown form of sad feeling was tearing at him. He stroked her back mumbling soothing words. She was innocent. She wept for the pain of the voiceless . Not many did that, she was strong to defy him. He smiled at how she had stated that she's gonna foster the pup no matter what. Tough crazy beautiful lady.

The pup was whining too. He had snuggled into her lap as if to console her , she patted his head tenderly.

"Sia" he broke the embrace to look at her. She wiped her tears.

"What should we name him? "

She looked up at him with wide eyes .

"I always like Spike from Tom and Jerry so why not name him Spike. He grey too. What do you think?"

"I think the name suits him well"

Spike barked and waged his tail and jumped at Clayton. She let both of them play and walked into the kitchen. She washed her face and started prepping for lunch.

  He didn't yell at her or threaten her for taking a higher tone at him instead he had listened to her and had soothed her. He wasn't what he pretended to be.  He might be a criminal but he hadn't treated her badly. She was intrigued by him. A unknown force was pushing her towards him.

Just then Clayton and spike entered the kitchen.

"Spike says he wants me to help his mom make lunch so here I am . Tell me what to do "

"Really? Well spike tell Clay that I want him to give you a bath and when you both are done I'll serve both of you warm food. And if someone wants I can make them some freshly brewed ice tea."

"Really ? " clayton squealed like a child.

"Ah ..umhmm ...I mean ... spike tell your mom that we're going to take a bath"

Spike gave a cute bark and ran off with Clayton. She smiled to herself.

Look at those two hitting it off.


Both of them were a pile was giggling mess come evening. They had played with spike for a long time. Spike was tired with all the running and jumping so she feed him and put him to sleep on a makeshift bed. She had then retired to her bathroom for a shower.

She was browsing through the clothes Clayton had brought her. She particularly liked the navy blue tank top with silver stars. It felt rather tight when she wore it with her breast peaking out a little and her waist line visible. It was kinda slutty. She didn't wanna wear something like that in front of him but she was feeling particularly naughty this night. She walked outside slightly swaying her hips.She had an amazing body and she had always been pleased with it.

She had cooked them one pot chicken and rice and it smelled amazing.


As he got out of his room ,a delicious aroma caught him and pulled him towards the kitchen. He felt like jerry who floated with the aroma towards the cheese.

"Oh what smells so amazing !"

He had his eyes closed savouring the delicious smell.

"I've made us one pot chicken and rice"

He opened his eyes to her voice and what he saw sent a jolt to his junk.

The freaking hell! She is so damn hot! God.

He was suddenly sweaty. He couldn't look at her cause when he did his eyes slipped towards her lush bosom. He was not good at controlling himself. His lusty nature forced him to take one good look at her. His eyes traveled from her bosom to her hips and then her slender legs.

How he had wanted to just pound into her like crazy. He quietly sat down at the table focusing on the flower pot.

Why was she wearing that? You got her that top you idiot. She didn't have any other clothes ,what else could she possibly wear. Does she think I got that on purpose? Damn it.

He was having an argument with his inner voice when she laid a hand on his shoulder. "Clay ? Why aren't you eating"

He was so deep in his thoughts that he hadn't realised that she had set the food in front of him. She was now pouring him a glass of ice tea.

"Yea yea ,I... I was know...thinking ....not important"

He quickly dug into the food and couldn't help but moan at the delicious taste.

" you woman are a wonder. This tastes amazing"

"I'm glad you like it "

"If you keep feeding me like this trust me I'm gonna swell like a cow by the time you're gone"

He was so excited that he didn't realise what he had said and when he did realise he found her staring at her plate with a frown.

"I didn't mean know what I ment ..I didn't want to scare you..."

"Clay ,its Alright. I know why I'm here. It okay. Thank you for being so considerate" she smiled and ate her food.

He was glad that she was aware of the reality. But he had questioned himself.  Did he want her to go ? Some how the thought of her leaving did bother him a little.


KIDNAPPED -Love Finds A Way Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt