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Sia was back at work the next day, the video still looming in her mind .The first thing she did was to check for all the papers, documents about the drug but she couldn't find a damn thing!

Not on his table or his cupboard ,his computer, Nothing! The animal model lab was empty , there were no daily record data sheets, nothing. Nothing at all . She was going to the shut the last safe she was searching when she  decided to check the additional chamber the safe had ,it was a rather small box like drawer. She put her hand inside to feel for anything  that's when she felt something, a paper perhaps,she pulled it out, it was a letter written by Dr.Miles and it was addressed to her .

It read:
Dearest Sia,
My favourite apprentice, if you're reading this letter then it means that you've already gone through the memory card I left for you.I cannot explain anything to you at this point but i can only tell you one thing and that is to keep that card safe, it shouldn't reach the hands of anybody ,absolutely anybody. Nobody out there is worth trusting. But I trust you. I have looked onto you like my own child so please my dear keep the card safe . I may or may not return from where I'm going ,some may even try to kill me but that is the least of my worries .you know all about the research. Keep yourself safe .Destroy the card if you must but know that this  drug can have various medical applications,it could be beneficial to many ,I don't want my efforts to go to waste .Wait for the right time until you find someone who's capable of trust ,someone who might help you, protect you .
      Sorry to have you burdened with all of this ,I have faith in you .May the lord be with you  .

Yours ,
Dr.Gilbert Miles .

She slumped down on the nearest chair.

"Oh God give me the strength to maintain my sanity".

Just then there was a knock on the door. She pushed the letter into her coat pocket and steadied herself .

"Come in" 

Detective Daniels entered along with another man who must be his partner.

"Good morning Miss Lancaster ,I presume you're well rested"

"Um yea ,Good morning detective . I'm fine and please call me Sia" she gave him a faint smile
"Did you find anything about Dr.Miles ? "

"Yes and that is why we've come her ,this is my partner detective Mark Desmond". Mark extended his hand for a handshake.

"Well according to the autopsy results it seems that out of the five bullets retrieved from Dr.Miles body ,one bullet was fired from his own gun. Possibly he may have shot himself in the head and the other four bullets were fired by the murderer......"

"Dr.Miles killed himself ? No, that can't be true ..he would never..I mean he was so strong and..and..."

Daniels put up his hand "Miss, steady yourself. I said there is a possibility. We still haven't gone that deep into this matter.We looked up for  Dr.Miles activities on the evening he was killed and it looks like he met up with a few friends at the pub and then hurriedly left from there only to drive back to the institute, he was seen parking and entering the premise late in the evening . He was seen leaving with a suitcase after nearly six hours that is around 2am in the morning . He then took the highway where he met up with the accident.

"We were able to find pieces of the suit case in the burnt car and it seems that the suitcase was filled with papers which were obviously burnt to ash " both the detectives were now intensely looking at Sia that is when detective Mark spoke up

"Maam the papers or what ever was in the suitcase was destroyed, we have no means of knowing that but we suspect Dr.Miles took those papers from here . Can you look around the lab and tell us if anything is missing ? "

Beads of perspiration were forming on her forehead.

Should I tell them about the memory card? No ,no I shouldn't...Dr.miles handed it to me cause he trusted me ..but they work for the law. it right to hide this from them?...what should I do ?what do i tell them ?

"Sia ? You're sweating, are you alright ?"

"Its gone ,its all gone "

"Gone ? What is gone Sia ?

"His research documents, notes everything. I couldn't find anything "

"Did you check his computer?"

"Yes I checked everything, every possible place where he could keep something confidential, but it's all empty "

Both the detectives looked at each other.

" We still need to search this place Sia ,for confirmation from our side obviously, I hope you don't mind ." Sia nodded .

"I suppose that is all we wanted to ask you and now a word of caution ".

Daniles had now come to stand directly in front of her "we want you to be vigilant at all times ,there is a minute possibility that you could be followed or even harmed". Sia gulped nervously

"You don't have to worry though. We'll make arrangements to have you watched over for but now i just want you to be careful and if you find anything about the thing what Dr.Miles was working on or you're ever in trouble then I'm the first person you're gonna call ,Got it ?"

"Yea "

"Good ,we'll take our leave now ,have a nice day Ma'am "

Sia was nervous .

Should I tell him ? Yes i should probably tell him ..

"Um detective Daniels? "

"Yes Sia ?"

"Ah ....umm... "     dang it ! 

"Th..Thank you..for everything "

Clive gave her a smile ,nodded and left the room .

Boy ,she was screwed .She was practically harbouring a secret, hoarding such information from the government was a crime. But she had to stay mum and figure out a way to deal with this.


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