7 0 0

He smiled at her.

"Okay ,would you like to enrol for any course? You can take your time to decided but if you give me a list of things you're interested in then I'll get some knowledgeable people in that field to guide you"

" I would like to attend a culinary school"

He chuckled

"I'm sorry but I must ask ,why cooking?"

She smiled back "I've always loved cooking and with a degree I can peruse my secondary dream of being a Chef"

"Alright then. Here take these papers and go through them ,tell me if you have any doubts. And another important thing, you'll be given a makeover, do you have any ideas for that as well?"

She smirked at him.


Clive was about to leave when Sia called out to him.

"Detective, I hope you remember about our deal"

Clive looked sideways avoiding her eyes.

oh I don't like where this is going.

"Yes I do. Are you ready to punch the mystery man?"

"As a matter of fact I am. Tris has taught me well and I wish to test it "

"Who do you want to punch?"

"Mason houser"

"WHAT! are you.." he yelled but then lowered his voice quickly

"....are you crazy . No that can't happen "

"You promised me" she said widening her eyes in anger at him

"Oh for God's sake . ......okay just give me a weeks time and I'll tell you " saying that he left .


Clive had sneaked her inside the premise to get her punch revenge on Houser. How he had managed that was a secret between him and Mark. They reached the room where mark had told them to meet him. Clive opened the door and ushered her inside.

Mason Houser was sitting in front of them his hands cuffed together and a black covering over his face. Clive walked towards Houser.

"Someone is here to meet you mister Houser"

"Its doctor Houser" mason houser snapped .

"You don't deserve to be called that " Sia said her voice dripping with venom.

"You , Miles little brat " he snarled at her and sprang from his seat

Sia punched him in the gut and he fell backwards.

"That was for murdering Dr.Miles"

She punched his face twice

"That was for getting me in trouble and for carrying out illegal experiments and hurting animals"

She took a few steps back and jumped in the air and kicked his head with her foot and twirled in the air then dropped to the floor gracefully.

"Amazing " Mark cooed

Houser was rolling on the floor in pain from under the black hood.

"And that was for betraying your profession".


Clayton was charged with several felonies for Kidnapping, assault and drug distribution. Taking in account his willful contribution in providing the FBI with a lead in capturing Boris Roy and saving the life of Siana lancaster he was sentenced with an imprisonment of only 5 years and a fine of 10,000 dollors.

Just like Sia ,his identify was kept a secret. It was brought to light that he carried out all the illegal activities under then name of black mask. Clive had made sure that after his term of imprisonment was over ,he gets to resume his normal life as Clayton Reign without any criminal activities or contacts.

Clive was supported by Senior Agent Williams and Mark in his every decision. Clive was glad how things had worked out . Now he had just one more thing to do.


Clive walked into the hospital looking for Dr. Nia. He spotted her leaving the ward with a clipboard.

"Dr.Nia ..hold up"

Nia turned around to see Clive running over to her. She rolled her eyes. Now what ?

"Yes Detective? How can I help you ?"

"I..I..  have to ask yo..No ...tell.. you something"

"What?" She asked cocking up an eyebrow.

Her eyes had rendered him speechless, yet he gathered his courage and spoke up.

"I am very sorry for my previous arrogant behavior towards you. I thank you for all that you have done" there he said it.

"Alright. That's good to know. Bye"
She started walking away.

"No no wait .I need to ask you something"


"Will you join me for a cup of coffee?" He was sure that the clip board was gonna crash on him but instead she smiled ,like smiled with her teeth.

She walked towards him ,pulled out her pen and took his hand in hers . She scribbled something on his palm and backed away.

"I don't like coffee, how about dinner. " she gave him a smirk and walked away.

He just dumbfoldedly looked at her retreating form. He looked at the phone number on his palm and smiled.

Smoothly done Clive.


After a month all the procedures were done. She was officially Hope Aubrey Kilmer. She had enrolled for a 1 year term culinary diploma in  Baltimore itself . She was given her possessions from her old house, she was also secretly given hold of her old bank accounts. She had everything yet nothing.  She missed Clayton, she missed Spike. She had begged Clive to let her see Clayton just once ,just from afar but rules were rules.

Maybe this was for the best. Maybe life had other plans for them. But she knew that she could never love anybody else. She had promised herself that if she got a chance to live then she'll live for Clayton. Clive had always helped her. She had asked him about Spike and a week later he and Mark stood with Spike by their side at her doorstep.

She was so happy to finally meet him after so long. He had grown huge. He was a strong, angry looking yet an absolutely goofy little dog.

She was slowly overcoming her fears, she did not fret anymore about leaving the field of Science or not moving forward in that field . She liked how she was doing something she equally loved as Science.

Cooking felt amazing. She was learning new things. She decided to turn Vegan and it was mentally soothing.After a year she had officially completed the diploma course and was awarded as the best student.

Life was good. But a lot was missing. She missed Oregon, she missed those cliffs, those rocky beaches, the town ,the atmosphere. It was wild and she loved it. She wanted to change, she wanted to start a new life and she wanted to do it in Oregon.

The FBI had helped her relocate and made sure she was safe. She had gotten a  job as a pastry chef at one of Gold beach finest bakery.


KIDNAPPED -Love Finds A Way Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora