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Clayton had made up his mind. He was going to save her. He had to find a way to take her away from Roy. He was ready to do anything even if it ment to lose his life while doing so . He walked into the shed and pushed aside the old wooden crates. There below the crates was an underground safe. He opened it and retrieved a mobile handset and a sim card . After a few minutes the mobile was good to use.

He dialed a number.

" Hello. Yea ...I need to you to find something and make it quick ......"


It was Christmas week and she couldn't wait to go into the town for shopping . Christmas was on Thursdays and she had to get everything ready . She was thinking of getting him a present but she had no money left , what ever money she had found in her bag, she had blown it away on buying silly things for Spike.

Stupid , you should have kept some money safely.

She had spoken to Clay about going into the town and he had gladly obliged to take her. He seemed a bit worried to her. Most of the times he used to just stare in front of him, thinking. She had asked him about it but he had laughed and dismissed it.

She was ready on Wednesday with all her disguise to head into the town. She liked how it did not snow that heavily here. It was perfect balance of rain and snow and she loved it. The town was bustling with joy. A big tree was setup in the town's circle, inflatable reindeers and Santa claus on the streets , lights , Christmas Carols blasting from the shops ,it was fun . Christmas was her favorite holiday.

First they brought all the raw materials for cake and cookie baking , then the items for Christmas lunch and dinner then some chocolates and other sweet treats cause honestly on Christmas even if you have a truck full of sweet treats ,there's always room for more.

It was chilly so after all the shopping he got her a mocha and sat her into the truck ,he said he had to visit a friend and he left.

She was sitting in the truck sipping the delicious liquid when her eyes fell on something familiar. She tried to move her head sideways to get a clear view of the object in the display section of the small jewelry shop. The place didn't seem that fancy ,but that big green stone had caught her eye. Without thinking she got out of the truck and walked towards the shop.

The door opened with a chime and a not so elderly man walked towards her .

"Yes dear what are you looking for "

"Ah... can I just have a look at the necklace that's in the display "

"Ah so you want the locket" he walked around the counter towards the display section

"Its a very good locket my dear, the stone looks pretty decent to me. You don't get such things these days."

He handed the locket to her . It was so similar to what Clayton's mom had worn.

"Sir where did you get this ?"

"Nah I don't remember all that dear. I found it in a jar below the counter a few months ago ,thought it's a valuable things and someday someone might take an interest in it so I put it up there."

She tried finding a way to open it ,it was fixed hard but she had to open it .she dug her nail in the slit and it clicked open and what she saw inside was something she couldn't express in words.


Clayton had given her a silly excuse of meeting a friend. He had handed her a cup of coffee and now he was making his way to Giaana 's boutique. He wanted to buy her a present and what better than a pretty dress for Christmas.

He walked in around the place and described his choices to one of the employee. She showed him a few beautiful evening gowns. One particular gown caught his eye. It was an off shoulder lavender colored dress. It was simple yet so elegant that even the thought of her in that gown had him breathing hard.

He payed for the dress and quickly walked towards the truck. He had covered the boutique bag with a another brown paper covering.

"Hey what you got there ?" She asked looking at the parcel.

"Ah just some wires and tapes and stuff for the motor " he shrugged.

"Ah okay. It getting chilly please let's hurry up"

He gently placed the packet in the backseat and drove them home.


If was the afternoon of Christmas eve and she was in her room rummaging through whatever clothes she had to see what would be decent enough to wear for the night.

"What am I going to wear ? This ? This? This tank top ? these shorts?. Arghh. I have nothing to wear"

She was sad . Very sad actually. All these years she had lived alone but not once had she let anything put a damper on her Christmas spirit. She had loved attending the midnight mass and coming home to a beautiful home baked cake. She used to decorate the house, make a small crib, put up some lighting all on her own .People did invite her over for lunch or dinners but she always felt like an outsider around them and their family. After her grandmother had passed way she had started celebrating Christmas with her grandmothers friends who were sent to the old age home by their children. No one visited them ,not even for Christmas. She used to bake them cakes and cook them delicious food , she truly enjoyed with them .She dearly missed them today .

It was nearly 10:30pm and she was finally done with all the baking and cooking , she decided to take a bath and then deal with the wardrobe conundrum.


Everything in the house was set. The decorations, the cake , his old yet decent suit and now all he wanted was for her to walk out of the bathroom and see her present.

He was sitting on the bed waiting for her. She walked out with a towel wrapped around her. The strawberry scent of her soap sent a tingling sensation to his junk.

"Oh look at you ,mister macho man. You look handsome." She said walking towards him.

He smiled broadly and cleared this throat.

"Thanks, Ah ...Sia I have something for you "

"Oh okay just let me sort out my clothes real quick "

He held her arm when she tried to move away . He pulled out the box from behind him and set it in her hands . She looked up at him, her eyes shining bright.


"Its for you. Will you wear it ? I mean I don't really know your choices but I tried what......."

She placed her hand on his mouth.

"I will wear it and I kown it's going to be beautiful"


KIDNAPPED -Love Finds A Way Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora