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She was excited to visit the town. She had made them some breakfast and was waiting for Clayton orders about how she was to disguise herself.

"Now listen up. Wear one of my oversized tshirt ,pin up your hair and wear this cap and put on these goggles. And remember that you're not going to talk to anybody ,what ever you want just point it out and I'll get it. You are to tag besides me at all times . If you wander around and try to pull any tricks of me ,you know that the consequences will be bad"

She rolled her eyes.

"You're a man of words Clayton, you just talk. You don't have it in you to do ' bad consequences' "

He walked towards her and stood mere inches from her. She could feel his heat and the intensity of his stare.

"Trick me Sia and I'll show you just how bad I can be."

He put his mouth near her ear and whispered something to which her eyes grew to the size of saucers.

"No you wouldn't "

"Try me "

She quietly backed away from him and ran into her room. He smirked as she hurried away.


She was enjoying herself. First they had filled up the grocery  where she had brought a whole lot of sweet treats. The shopping mart and the shops were bustling with Halloween preparation and some serious restocking was hapening on the chocolates aisle. Then they had walked towards the farmers market .

" Oh look ,look at these fresh vegetables and fruits. Umm smell this! Okay now go buy some spinach, avocados, oranges, celery, onions, some arugula and parsley and...."

He was scratching his head.

" Arugula? And parsley? Which ones which?"

"Just ask the vendor and he'll give it"

They had even got some freshly caught shrimps and lobsters.

"Looks like you're in luck today Clayton, tonight's gonna be a feast"

" Oh I'm so looking forward to it " he said licking his lips.

They were walking back towards the truck when she spotted a small shack that displayed jwellery made from shells .Clayton saw her watching it with a twinkle in her eye. He took her hand and led her towards the shack.

"Take what you want."

" What ..No no..I was just looking.."

" Sia ,just take what you want"

She looked around the place when she saw small shiny shells in a glass bowl. She picked a nice green coloured shell with some fake diamonds stuck on it . She thought it would be a nice addition to her charm bracelet.

" I like this one"

" Just that? Look around ,see if you like anything else"

" No no this is fine"

He payed for it and they walked towards the truck.


They were almost halfway when he spoke

"Why do you always wear that bracelet?"

She suddenly felt a bit conscious. Uneasiness creeping on her but she maintained a calm demeanor.

"Oh it's been with me since a very long time. I brought it when I was named valedictorian at high school"

" Woah ! You were a what !" He said excitedly.

"Nah it wasn't that big of a deal.I was quite proud of myself though. Then for every academic and professional success I got these different charms"

"Nice. What's that horseshoe like charm?" He said pointing at it.

She laughed. "That's not a horseshoe, that's an omega ,last letter of Greek alphabets. I got it when I finished my Masters research thesis"

" Oh Sciency...and what's that big round one"

She turned pale.

"'s a small locket actually. I got it when my grandmother passed away. It has a picture of her"

" Oh ,I'm sorry"

" No no it's okay."


For lunch she had made them lobster and whipped up a nice dipping sauce. As usual Clayton was overwhelmed.

"Clay "

"Um hmm" he said savouring the delicious meat.

"Will you take me to the beach?"

"The what?"

" Beach"

" Sia we don't exactly have a beach . The one nearest is more of a cliff . If you want to visit an actual beach beach then we'll have to drive for a long time"

"Oh,okay .... No problem."

She looked upset to him.

" If you want we can go do some cliff climbing and enjoy the sunset. What say we have a little picnic. We can take spike with us too"

"Really ? Oh thank you clay but I don't have walking shoes ,all I have is my office heals and the flip flops."

" Hmm that's a problem them" he said diving into thoughts.

After lunch he told her that he had some work in the town and he'll be back in half an hour. She was tired so she decided to take a nap.


She woke up to a sound coming from the kitchen.

"Clay ? What are you doing ?" She said walking in the kitchen .

"I'm looking for the picnic basket . Ah here it is . It not that big but it'll suffice"

He handed it over to her.

She smirked at him. He was really excited for his little trip.

"Sia ,come here. Look what I got for you "

She walked into the living room and her hands flew to her mouth

"Oh my God! You got me climbing shoes? These things are expensive...Clayton !"

"What ? I couldn't let you go cliff climbing in flip flops ,I don't want you to slip and break your pretty jaw"

"Oh clayton ". She walked over to him a placed a soft kiss to his cheek. He gave her a smug smile.


She had packed them  sandwiches, chips and soda and some bread for spike.

Clayton had put spike on a leash but then he thought I'll be best if he carried the pup so he fixed the pup in front of his chest like a baby  .

" Look at us ,going out for a sunset picnic. Come on hurry up Sia"

" Hey all you're carrying is a pup and I'm carrying this heavy basket"

" Hand it over to me ...come on ,give it". He said taking the basket.

After some walking and climbing they had reached their destination. After filling up their tummies they both were staring at the sunset.

" Clay can I ask you something"


" Remember the day I had cleaned the house. You seemed a lot distracted that day . Did you not like me cleaning it ?"

He looked at her,his face laiden with sadness.

" No not at all, I liked the clean house"

" See you're doing it again"

" Hm?"

" You're sad again. Won't you tell me?"

He threw his head down and slowly raised it to meet her eyes.


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