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She woke up early that morning and jotted down all that was needed in the kitchen. Then she made some breakfast, cleaned the kitchen top and taken out the garbage.

"Here . I've made you a list " . She handed him the list after breakfast.

"Clothes ? You want clothes ?" He said pointing to the item on the list .

"Well yea . I've been wearing the same tshirt for three days. Please get me some shorts and tank tops and pyjamas...oh and see that there are cute cartoon characters on it ...don't get me the dull coloured ones. Can you also get me a few undies and bra ?"

He was staring at her, question mark evident on his forehead.

"Why'd you stop? Do you need anything else ? A lush ball gown perhaps ? What color would you prefer ? pink or green?"

"I don't mind a cute sun dress"

"No no ...shut up" he said frantically moving his head.

" Now listen up, I'm gonna lock both the doors. You are gonna stay inside and not do anything foolish, Got it ?" He said pointing a finger at her.

"For God's sake Clayton, you've said these things a hundred times....I'm not going to run away "

You better not .He nodded and left. Evil bitch .


She had the whole place to herself.  She was in particularly good spirits but when she walked into the living room a blanket of dullness fell upon her. The room was a mess!  Dust ,darkness, spider webs ...yikes!

The room had the potential to look amazing though. Some dusting ,some light,some scrubbing could really brighten up this place.And that's when she had thought

I'm gonna live here for sometime now ,why don't I clean this place myself. Clayton's a lazy dog he won't help me .Hell! he won't even let me touch anything. Hmmmmm, why not blow some life into this place. Yep let's get going!

She was a creature of habit and liked things in an arranged and clean manner. She was a Virgo through and through.If she set her mind on something then she worked tirelessly to achieve it.

She had found a broom in the kitchen earlier that morning ,she proceeded with sweeping the floor then she pulled at the spider webs ,dusted the couch and furniture,pulled the drapes and opened the window. She filled some water into a mug and scrubbed the window panes with a cloth since she couldn't find a scrubber.

They were now shiny clean. The room looked amazing .She finally looked at the her watch ,it was three hours since Clayton had left.

Where the hell is he ?.....

Just then she heard his truck parking in front of the house. She was eagerly waiting for him in the middle of the living room. She could hear the jingling of the keys as he tried to open the door.


He was tired. He was so damn tired. He had never in his life done grocery shopping . He had thought it was a piece of cake. Just pull the things you want from the shelf and dump it in your cart. But today he had realized that it wasn't so easy ..it so wasn't. He had ran down the same aisle two to three times looking for the things she had written down. He was finally home now. With big heavy bags in both of his hands he walked into the living room. He stopped dead in his tracks.The bags hit the ground with a thud ,some items rolled out onto the carpet.

The bags hit the ground with a thud ,some items rolled out onto the carpet

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