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Washington D.C

Siana Lancaster was missing for a week now. Clive Daniel's was receiving pressure from the higher officials. A through investigation on the murder of Dr. Gilbert Miles was almost done and Clive was more than sure that Boris Roy was behind all of this. But he was not alone in this, there was a connecting link between Roy and Gilbert Miles and Clive had to find it. Soon.

It was three years ago when Clive's former partner was killed and then Clive himself was nearly shot to death when they were on Roy's trail. Roy had slipped from his grasp ,he had escaped by holding an innocent man and his daughter as hostages. Roy was then helped by his minions to escape but before leaving he had killed his hostages and then set their house on fire.

Clive had woken up from his coma three weeks after that event. He had gone on a rampage after that. He had left no stone unturned to find Roy. He hated himself.  It was because of his own foolishness that his partner was dead and Roy was able to escape. And now one reputed scientist had already lost his life and another was missing and probably dead and he couldn't do anything. He should've done something to protect her . Hell ! he had even put a 24/ 7 police watch on her , how had he failed then.

There were so many unanswered questions looming about and only one person could answer them. He knew Sia had the answers. She was his biggest witness. He had to find Siana lancaster.


Back to Oregon:

It had been a week and she was still kept bound on the bed. Clayton released her during eating hours or whenere she had to visit the bathroom. She was  frustrated with this whole locked in the room thing.

I'm so done with this ,I'm gonna get Clayton to release me one way or the other.

"Clay. Clay ? "

"Yes your highness"

He walked into the room with an annoyed expression. He had gotten used to her calling out to him and him taking her where she wanted to go,mostly to the bathroom though. Once he had tried turning a blind eye to her calling thinking she'll give up but instead she had gone on and on for ten minutes straight. How he had wished that he could just stick that duct tape on her pretty little mouth or just kiss her mouth shut.

"I want to pee"

"You just went to pee a few minutes ago" he raised his brow.

"No,that was an hour ago"

"No I remember clearly, it was just 20 minutes ago"

"Please clay "


He untied her and walked towards the bathroom and locked the door behind her.She was back after a few minutes. Just when he was going to usher her into the bedroom she rolled her eyes and fell backwards. Luckily he caught her. She had fainted.

"Hey hey, Sia? He patted her cheeks.

"Ah....." She moaned.

He picked her and carried her to the living room couch. He sprinkled some water on her face .

"Ah....my head" She was clutching her head ,her eyes wincing in pain. She laid her head against his shoulder.

Her actions caught him ofgaurd. He didn't know what to do.

"What's....what's wrong ,tell me .Here drink some water."

She took a small sip from the glass.

" I need fresh air, my lungs hurt,my head hurts. Please take me outside ,Clay."

He put one hand around her waist and held her hand in the other and walked her outside and sat her down on the chair kneeling besides her . "Here ,you feel good ?"

"Yea ,I'm feeling the breeze. I feel so much better already ...please don't lock me in the room Clay please don't lock me in there."

She had buried her head in his chest . Soft sobs rising from her throat.

He patted her back in a soothing manner.

"Okay okay I won't lock you "

She smiled against his chest . Her plan had worked.

See it was easy ,too easy . Foolish Clay.  They may call tears outdated but don't tell me they don't work.

She pulled away from with a small smile ,she batted her lashes at him.

" You're so nice Claytonn. Thank you" she said in a seductive tone and turned her face the other side.


Her swooning had totally caught him ofgaurd . He didn't deal with swooning girls ,well he did have looks to swoon over but he didn't actually have to hold any girl like that. When she had laid her head on his shoulder he had felt a weird tugging in his chest. And then she had called him a nice guy. He was no 'nice guy' ,he was a monster. Why was she so hell bent on unseeing it.

He couldn't say No to her no matter how hard he tried.He had finally allowed her to roam around the house and in the garden. But he had warned her that any foolish actions won't be tolerated ,to that she had given him a smug smile and wandered off into the garden. She was now running on the grass bare feet  trying to play peek a boo with the squirrel.

Stupid girl.


She was seated on the dining table for dinner. Clayton had said that he'll cook something up and that something was instant ramen. She was so annoyed with the take out food.

"Well Clayton if you don't mind ,I'd like to suggest something " she said testing the waters.

He had just pushed a fork full of noodles in his mouth and some were still dangling from his mouth. He quickly slurped it in and nodded at her.

"You see I can cook , really well ...not that the take out food or these noodle are bad...  I'm just suggesting that if you get some groceries  then... I'll cook the meals for us"

He was staring at her now . He didn't even blink once.

  Cook? She wants to cook for 'us' ? The hell.

He was going to turn her down that's when he thought that letting her do the cooking will save him the trips he makes to the town to get them takes outs ,he could just get a full months supply of grocery and then he can be in the house all day to keep an eye on her and finish some work around the shed.

"Okay . You can cook "

"Great! So when are we going shopping?"

"Shopping? You're not going anywhere, I'll get whatever you want. Make me a list in the  morning".

" okay "

She smiled.Tomorrow was gonna be an eventful day.


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