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4 weeks later in Washington D.C

Clive was slumped on the hospital bench. Mark walked besides him and nudged him with the coffee cup. Clive refused to take it.

"Clive ,you're sitting here since yesterday. You look terrible. Please don't beat yourself up like this. Here take this"

Clive didn't move a muscle. Mark just slumped besides him admitting defeat.

Senior agent Williams walked out of the room with Dr. Nia. They both approached Cilve and Mark.

"Officers" Williams acknowledged them. Mark stood up but Clive was still seated and staring at nothing like a rock.

Williams eyed Mark and he threw his hands up in defeat.
"I tried ,okay . I've been trying since yesterday. " Mark walked away frustrated.

Williams took a step towards Clive when Nia held his hand.

"Senior agents Williams if you don't mind can I talk to detective Daniels"

Williams alternated his looks between Nia and Clive.

"Alright doctor"

Without any other word ,he left to join Mark.

Nia sat besides Clive.

"Detective Daniel's ,please look at me. "

Clive lifted his head to look at her, his face emotionless.

"Detective , Siana is stable now. You know that right?"

He just nodded his head.

" What I'm trying to tell you is that though she's not awake yet does not mean she won't make it. She has lost a lot of blood and the emotional and physical trauma she has gone through is a great deal to bear.It'll take time ,may be days or months but I'm positive that she'll wake up. "

Clive looked at her, pushing his hand through his hair.

"And how are you so certain that she'll wake up ? She's been lying in this hospital for a week now.Is she showing signs of improvement? Is she responding to any stimuli? Are you just trying to tell me tales to get me out of here "

She pressed her lips and looked away and then looked back at him.

"Improvement in a patient does not work that way Clive and you know that. You were in the same state three years ago and yet you're sitting here in front of me . Please just give her time, give us time. Your partner needs you, your department needs you. Please ,go home freshen up and give Siana the justice she deserves. I promise you she will wake up. "

Clive just looked away. He threw his head down and raised it to meet Nia's eyes.

"Okay." He got up and walked away from her.

Mark and Williama gave her a Thank you look and headed out with Clive.


Clive reported to the Senior Agent Williams on the afternoon of the same day.

"Special Agent Clive Daniel's, Good to see you. Now sit and let's have a talk".

Clive sat across him and looked at the pile of papers in front of him.

"Again ,well done on the Roy case and as you know we've got hold of Mason Houser,little prick was trying to flee the country, good Miss Lancaster informed us earlier or he would have fled and we'd have scale the globe in search for him." He shook his head and took a gulp of water and spoke again.

" The chief will decide what is to be done now. Everything is kept absolutely confidential. No one knows about Miss Lancaster and Mr. Reign. I will let you know what the committee decides regarding them.Work out the paper work with Mark and submit it ,soon will be better. And now an important thing".

"And what is that ?" Clive sat back in the chair

"Clayton Reign. That boy deserves to know. He's a mess and he ain't acting."

"And why should I tell him"

" Clive." Williams warned.

"You very well know that you owe him. We all do. So get your act together and talk some sense into that boy." Williams scolded him.

"Fine ,where is he."

They both reached the door.

Williams nodded and walked away.

Clive took a deep breath and walked inside.


Clayton was bound to the table with handcuffs. As soon as he saw Clive entering ,he lunged at him.

"You bastard ,you killed her. You killed my Sia. I trusted you and you let me down. Let go of my hands and I'll beat you to pulp "

Clayton's eyes were radiating fury. He was tugging hard at the cuffs.

"Clayton ,please" Clive said calmly and sat across him.

"Please Clayton sit down"

Clayton sat down and looked away in disgust.

"Now listen to me carefully. Siana Lancaster is not dead"

Clayton snapped his head toward him.

"Yes. She is alive but in a critical condition, she lost a lot of blood ...."

"And who's fault is that? You're the law yet all you did was carry a lousy backup and reached for help when I had already beaten the wits out of Roy"

"Enough!...this is not so simple, Clayton. I'm just here to tell you that she's alive and maybe she'll make it and you be prepared for your trial"

As clive started walking away he heard Clayton call out to him.

" I don't care what happens of me Daniels but please save her. She gave me hope to live, I owe her a lot ,please Detective I want her to live .please don't let me down" clayton said ,his eyes glistening with tears.

Clive could no longer stand there. He walked outside and punched the wall.


It was all over the news ,Roy's capture and the arrest of Dr.Mason Houser in being associated with drug mafia. The media was everywhere.

Clive sat in his office,Mark was flicking the channels on the TV.

"God ! Its everywhere . I can't bear this " Mark sounded frustrated.
Clive on the other hand just concentrated on twirling the paper weight.

"Clive, clive listen to this"

Clive looked at the TV screen.

The anchor was standing outside their headquater building.

".......according to the recent revelation by the FBI ,Dr.Mason Houser was arrested on the charges of being involved with the drug mafia lord,Boris Roy. It is speculated that they both were involved in the murder of renowned pharmaceutical scientist Dr. Miles Gilbert. But is this all to the story or is the FBI hiding something from the public?After the death of Dr.Gilbert, his assistant was reported missing but according to the police she was kept in protective custody, but no further statements were released and now that the case is solved she is nowhere to be seen, is she still in custody? If yes then for how long and why ? But the question is ,is she really in custody or is she dead as well? How did the intelligence department not figure out the truth behind the activities of Dr. Houser earlier, is someone else from the institute involved in this as well? Are they ....."

Clive switched it off slumped into the chair.

"Damn it, who the hell they think they are. God knows if she'll ever wake up. If she doesn't you know Clive that we're all going to be in trouble"

Clive just stared on the ceiling. The telephone on his table rang and Mark answered it

".....yep I'll tell him. Thank you"

Mark looked at Clive.

"It was from the hospital. Dr. Nia wants to meet you"


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