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It was almost lunch time but Sia was still in her room. Clayton was kinda worried but he thought it'll be best if he didn't bother her for a while. He decided to make them lunch.

He toasted a few buns, fried up some bacon and burger patties and potato fries and set them on the table. He walked towards her room and knocked

"Sia ? Are you alright ? I've made us lunch "

After some time she opened the door. He was still waiting of her. Her eyes were puffy and she seemed pale.

After lunch she was sitting on a couch with spike. He couldn't bear to see her that dull. The lines of worry on her face troubled him.

He had to stop caring about her that much, he tried telling himself that she's just an assigned job and when time called he had to set her into Roy's hand and forget that he ever knew her. But still an unknown feeling was peaking every now and then when he was near her.

" Hey Sia, look what I found . Business monopoly"

"Where'd you find this?"

"It was lying at the bottom of my wardrobe. It's a complete set ,nothing seems missing . Wanna play?"

"Yea sure. I like that game." she smiled and sat on the floor.

Halfway through the game Clayton had lost most of his valuable properties to her. He was clearly losing.

"Damn it ! I was so good at this game ,I swear it." He rolled on the floor.

"Yea but right now you're clearly getting your ass whipped" she smirked at him.

"Damn it. I don't wanna play this game anymore."

She giggled . He was happy that she wasn't upset anymore.


Two weeks had passed and Sia couldn't shrug away the attraction she was feeling towards him. She was positive that she was suffering from Stockholm syndrome .

October was ending and Halloween was fast approaching. She liked Halloween, all the candy ,the costume , the parties she loved it all. She wanted to visit the town, look at all the decorations, buy a lot of candy. She wanted to experience the fun.

She decided to talk to clayton bout taking her to the town.


Clayton was fixing the motor in the shed since morning , his tshirt was stained with sweat and grease. After he was done he walked towards the backporch and took off his shirt and tossed it on the washing rock. He filled a mug full of water and emptied it on his head. He kept doing that until he felt the sweat washing down.

Sia walked onto the backporch with the intenstion to remove the clothes from the line but the sight of half naked Clayton in front of her suddenly made her blush. She felt as if her cheeks were on fire.

Specks of golden brown hair were scattered on his chest and a line of brown hair moved down to his abdomen and dived under his waistband. The droplets of water were cascading down his hair and tumbling onto his chest and then tracing their route over his rock hard abs. The droplets were shinning in the sunlight and making it feel as if he adorned hundreds of golden pearls. Naughty thoughts were crashing in her mind ,she wanted to lick the water off his neck ,then his chest ,his abs and then tracing her tongue over his .....

"You done?"

"Huh " she snapped her head into reality.

" You done checking me out ?" He smirked.

" I wasn't....I wasn't checking you out, I was mearly lost in my own thoughts "

" Thoughts such as ?" He teased her.

"Thoughts,  just thoughts...about dinner . Yes I was thinking about dinner"

" oookayy  ,so what have you planned for dinner?"

She gave him a stern look and walked back into the house. She could hear his rich laughter booming. She was embarrassed to have openly ogled at him like that.


Come dinner time ,she had made shrimp spaghetti. It tasted like the Mediterranean, she kissed her fingers. Now clayton be ready to fall in my trap.  She knew it well that a way to man's heart is through his stomach.

His mouth was watering. Spaghetti, red wine and garlic bread , it was as if he was dining at a five star Italian restaurant. And the taste was muy bonito. Well that was Spanish but that's all he knew .

After dinner she found him sitting in the living room with spike

"Clay ,we're out of groceries"

"So soon "

"Yea so we'll have to go shopping tomorrow "

"Say what?" His eyes widening.

" you heard me "

" 'we' ? but why ?"

" why ? Let me tell you why. I told you to get me home made pasta and you got me packaged pasta, I asked you to get canned tomato puree and you got me tomato ketchup ,I asked you....."

"Alright alright "he held up his hand.

" Plus if we go tomorrow then we can visit the farmers market and also get some freshly caught fish"

"Farmers market ? Where did you here that?

" On the radio"

" Radio ,who's radio?"

" What do you mean who's radio? Your radio ofcourse "

" I have a radio? "

She gave him a quizzical look.

"Don't be silly of course you have a radio....its right there by the window"

He walked over to the window.

I have a radio ? Why didn't I know that ? Was it always here?

He turned it on ,it was set on the local radio station and they were playing some jazz music.

" Okay let's go shopping tomorrow. Now come her"

He smiled and held out his hand ,asking her to join him. She giggled and walked into his arms. He held her gently and they swayed to the music, spike was looking at them eagerly ,his eyes following them.

He twirled her and she giggled and he pulled her close and buried his head in her soft hair both swaying to the beat. Her hair smelled of lavender and coconut.He suddenly hit his foot on the coffee table and winced in pain and she burst out in laughter. Clayton gave her a fake angry look.

"You think that's funny"

She was still laughing, she hid her mouth with the back of her hand trying hard to stifle her laughter but she couldn't. 

" No..." she was still laughing.

" oh yea "
He pulled her closer to him,staring into her eyes.

"You think that was funny ?"

She had stopped laughing ,her cheeks red and stained with tears from all the laughing. She stared into his brown orbs and whispered a seductive yes .

He put his hand on her wait and she squealed loudly. He was tickling her. She moved from side to side, trying to bend ,trying to run away from his ticking hand.

" no please". She was laughing hard with tears streaming down her face. Her tummy was hurting like crazy.

They both fell onto the couch. She buried her face into his chest trying to calm down. Her breathing was ragged. He too was breathing hard. His heart beating loudly.

"Boy, you're hearts racing like crazy"

"I know " he chuckled a little.

They lay entwined in each others arms for a long time and finally fell asleep.


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