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"Oh ,oh mmmmm" Tommy was moaning as he stuffed another bit of cake in his mouth.

"Shut up Tommy, stop moaning"

"Oh Clayton, this cake is ...I have no words. It is heavenly.....mmmmm...why aren't you eating your macaroons?"

"I don't want them "

"Trust me ,if this cake is so good then they'll taste good too "

Clayton looked at the plate in front of him.

They do smell delicious but....

He picked up a macaroon and inspected it. It looked really good to him. He moved it towards his mouth to take a bite.

As soon as he took a bit and savoured it ,the macaroon fell from his hand and he snapped his eyes open.

"No no ,no this can't be "

"What can't be?  " Tommy questioned him

"No,  there's something wrong with this....."

They taste just like the one's Sia used to make...someone stole her recipe...yes...yes ..they stole it...its hers

"Dude!" A boy from the group besides them called out to him totally shocked

"Dude ,what are you doing ? Do you wanna get your ass wipped?"

"What ?" Clayton questioned him annoyingly

"This receipe is stolen, they stole this receipe. " Clayton stood up raising his voice,his eyes wide.

"Dude ,dude ....."

Clayton looked at the group of terrified boys looking at someone behind him. The boy's face had gone pale, he darted his eyes back to Clayton.

"Run dude run . Don't look back just run" the boy suddenly went silent and the boys stared down at their plate not daring to look back in Clayton's direction.

Clayton sensed a presence behind him. Then he heard,

"You got a problem with the Macaroons ,you punk?"

It was Clayton's turn to go pale. He knew that voice ,but could it really be ? He slowly turned to face the person.


It was four fifteen in the evening and the bakery was bustling with hungry customers. Hope had pulled out a fresh batch of cinnamon rolls. They were glazed and ready to be served. Since the new apprentice was absent she picked up the tray and walked towards the counter. She heard a commotion on the table near the counter.

"....this receipe is stolen....."

Stolen ! How the fuck dare he say that. He's dead meat !

She approached the man who was accusing from the behind. Toby and his boy gang were trying to hush the man down. She glared at toby and that poor boy didn't dare raise his head again.

"You got a problem with the Macaroons, you punk?" She said ready to throw him out.

The man in front of her didn't move for a second. Then he slowly turned around.

Her breath hitched in her throat , a quiver ran down her as she filled her eyes with the magnificent form of the man standing in front of her

"Clay.." she whispered ever so slightly.

Her voice sounded like liquid gold to him. Without saying a word he pulled her into his arms and slammed his lips to hers.

The bakery erupted in cheers and claps around them.


Thank you so much for reading the story.  Please follow my profile for more story updates.

Live long and prosper.


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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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