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Clayton ran towards the room he saw Roy entering. He pushed at the door but it was locked from the inside. He took a few steps back and kicked the door but it did not budge.  He then took an aim at the lock of the door and shot. He kicked at the door again and it opened with little resistance.

He held his gun forward and dashed into the room. It was empty. There was no one in there.

"Sia . Sia " he called out.

No answer. He could only hear the distant shot of bullets. He looked around frantically when he saw that few books from the self had fallen down.  It was unlikely that a well kept room had books fallen to the ground.

He walked upto the shelf and knocked down some books and tapped at the backside.  It was hollow. He understood what was happening. He ran out of the room ,trying to head into the woods. He shot at anyone who tried to block his way.

"Sia I'm coming"

He was leaving the property grounds when he saw Clive Daniels engaged in a cross fire. He called him out

"Daniles ,he's got her. Get backup "

Clive ducked and spoke on his bluetooth. He looked at clayton running into the woods.  I need to help him. Clive rolled along the ground and hid behind a large  empty barrel,  he started firing at the enemy whilst trying to edge towards the woods.


Roy was still painfully tugging at her arms. He had pulled her into a dark underground passage. They reached a ladder that leaded upwards. He pulled his gun and aimed at her.

"Come on get walking"

She was trembling, she slowly climbed up the ladder.

"Quickly you bitch and don't you dare run or I'll  empty this gun into you"

She had to do as he said. Clayton had promised her that he'll save her. She just hoped that he got there in time.

She opened the lid and pushed herself on the ground above. Roy emerged from below besides her. He started pulling her towards the helicopter in front of them.

She had to do something , she couldn't let him take her hostage. She snatched her hand from him and was about to run when he caught her and slapped her hard ,she fell to the ground.

"That's it ,I'm done with you"

He held his gun about to fire , when he was tackled to the ground and the bullet was fired in the air. Clayton snatched the gun from him and threw it away . He punched Roy hard. Roy fell to the ground but quickly sprang back at Clayton. Roy was an excellent fighter. He delivered some serious blows at Clayton.

Clayton was bleeding from his lips . Roy pulled a knife from his boots and lunged at Clayton.  He cut clayton on the stomach and forearm. But Clayton kept fighting. He held Roy's hand in a lock grip and loosened the knife from his hand.  When the knife fell Clayton kicked it away.

Roy winced at the pain when Clayton got his hand in a lock grip. He tried to free it but Clayton hit Roy's nose with his head.

Roy's stumbled backwards touching his nose. His eyes widened when he saw blood on his hands. He growled and lunged at Clayton once again. Clayton readily ducked and punched Roy in his guts. A blow that he had mastered in his underground fighting rings. That one blow was enough to knock anyone down.

Roy fell to the ground ,blood spluttering from his mouth. He growled in pain.

Clayton ran towards Sia who was unconscious on the ground. He held her up and patted her face.

"Hey hey hey Sia "

She opened her eyes to see Clayton . He held his arm around her and helped her up.

"Come on we need to go "


As she stood up, Clayton had his back towards Roy and she was facing Clayton. Even in her blurred vision state she could see Roy reaching for his gun and aiming at Clayton. Without thinking she pushed Clayton to the ground.

Clayton heard a gunshot after Sia pushed him to the ground and as he lifted his head he yelled out.

"SIA NO! "

She fell to the ground. Blood oozing from her chest. All he could feel was his ears ringing. He heard another shot but he didn't bother. He just lunged towards her. Her body was pale. Her dress was soaking with blood.

He picked her into his arms and settled her in his lap, hot tears were falling from his eyes.

"No no no...Sia get up
No no ,get up. Get up. See I'm right here."

Her eyes were wide open. She slowly looked at him. Then she looked at someone in front of them. It was Clive Daniels.


Clive had gotten his backup and all Roy's men at the manor were captured.  He ran through the woods toward the clearing. As he reached the edge of the clearing he saw Roy firing at Sia. She fell to the ground and before Roy could shoot again Clive shot at Roy's hand.

He ran towards them. He saw Sia limp in Clayton's arms. Tears streaming down Clayton's face ,he was crying out to her.

Sia slowly looked at Clive and motioned him with a finger. He ran and knelt besides her. She was trying to say something. He put his ear near her mouth.

"Mmaaso..n Houu...swer "

He looked at her. "Mason Houser."   Clive nodded and backed away from them and started barking orders in his blue tooth. He was calling for the paramedics.


Clayton was holding her in his arms, her breathing was shallow. All he could see was his love dying in his arms.

"Baby No .please please don't leave me please. You're my only hope to live. Please stay
....please ....someone get the doctor" he yelled and cried at the same time looking around for help.

She slowly raised her hand and touched his face and gave him a small smile. She closed her eyes slowly and her hand fell from his face, her head rolled to the side.

She was gone. Just like his mother She was gone too without a single word. He wanted the earth to swallow him ,the lightning to strike him ,the cold unforgiving sea to gulp him. He wanted to just end this suffering.

He looked up at the sky and screamed ,he kept screaming until his throat hurt and he had no tears left to shed.


Clive fell to his knees  when he saw Clayton yelling. He had failed yet again . He couldn't protect her. The paramedics had arrived and had taken her away. He saw the images of the house burning , his partner falling to the ground dead, the charred bodies of the hostages and then he could saw Sia's limp body.


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