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Clayton had made his two days journey to Baltimore. He spent the first day visiting Siana Lancasters house ,toured around the neighbourhood .He took in every detail,every camera ,every blind spot, every dark alley.He had expertly disguised himself as a homeless man.He had worked on a beautiful plan ,the girl will be gone and know one will know bout it.

He had changed vehicles when he had reached halfway across the states. He had chosen an old truck which was parked in a spot where it'll be easy to access it according to his plan. He had made necessary calls and was all set with his simple yet elegant plan. Now all he had to do was huddle up in some corner of the street and wait for the perfect moment to pluck the little flower .


Sia was battling a thousand thoughts in her head. She was trying to focus on her work ,she was trying hard to stay sane but working in the lab was a constant reminder of Dr.Miles. She was angry at whomever had killed him, she was angry at the one who might have betrayed him, she was angry at the government who couldn't protect their employee, she was angry at the administration where one couldn't freely express what sort of threat they were facing.

She had stopped working extra hours from the last three days. All she craved was some quite time to think.

It was Friday ,it had been three days since Dr.Miles was killed. Usually on a Friday night she would hit the pub with some of her colleagues but she wasn't up for any drinks or dancing today. Her colleagues were very caring, they showed up to ask how she was faring. Amongst them was Mindy who was tirelessly trying to lift Sia's spirits .

"Oh come on Sia darling ,cheer up. You can't just hide and mourn forever " mindy chattered.

Sia could never say No to Mindy's cute little pout but she had sadly declined today. Mindy had realised that her colleague needed some time to heal. She had given Sia a bone crushing hug and left .

Okay. Looks like I'm done for the day.

She checked her watch ,it was five fifteen in the evening. She decided to leave as grey clouds had gathered up in the sky blanketing the city into darkness. By the time she left it had alredy started raining.

God I don't care what anybody says but I hate fall showers.

Cursing the rain she made her way through the streets keeping an eye out for anyone following her . She felt nothing out of the blue though .She was not being followed nor did she notice any suspicious person or activity outside her house . She felt a bit relieved. She just had to go to work tomorrow and then she would sit and relax and ponder about all the questions in her mind on Sunday. She was looking forward to it and with that thought she went to bed.


He saw all the lights of her house go off.

"Oh my little bird ,sleep tight cause tomorrow I'm gonna take you away ..far far away " he chuckled to himself.


She woke up early determined to reach work early and then eventually leave from work early. Grey clouds still hung in the sky and it was drizzling ever so slightly. It was Saturday so not many people in her neighbourhood were up yet. She was just a few steps from her house when she noticed two huge weird looking men standing far near the lamppost across the street .She didn't give them much thought and kept walking.She could feel someones gaze on her. She turned around to find the two men making their way across the street and were now approaching her .

Shit! Are they following me ..No why would they...oh no no they're you idiot run.

She usually took the Curtain Avenue to work but it seemed like a bad option today .

I should change my way ,yea let's take Hudson street ,I could easily slip through the alley and no one would notice ..yea good thinking.

She took a sharp turn and headed towards Hudson street and slipped into the alley way ,she could see the alley opening up on the opposite street. She turned around to find no one following her ,she smiled to herself .

looks like I dodged them ,i guess.

Just when she was gonna exit the alley she felt a hand going around her mouth . She tried to push the hand away, she clawed at it,she was frantically trying to get out of the grasp when she felt all her energy draining away ,her eyelids felt heavy and she could no longer stand on her feet, black spots were clouding her vision ,she could feel someone haul her up into their arms before she passed out.


Silly girl.

She thought she was trying to get rid of them when in fact she was playing right into Claytons trap. As soon as she was going to exit the alley he held the cloth smeared with chloroform to her mouth .The trick was orthodox but it worked well for him. The rain had done most of the work plus it was a weekend so not many people were up yet. It was a bit dark too.

He carefully placed her in his truck. He then picked up her bag that was now smeared with mud water ,he searched the bag and fished out her phone . He threw her bag in the back of his truck and got inside. The phone had a fingerprint lock ,he tried her right thumb and the phone was unlocked.

Well looks like little scientist likes it easy.

He dug through her contacts and found the name 'Mindy from work' .

Ah Mindy! Let's text Miss Mindy that her friend isn't coming to work today cause let's say she has flu ...yea that should do .

He sent Mindy the text ,turned off the phone and dismantled it. He broke the sim card into pieces and threw the dismantled parts on the dashboard. He turned on the ignition and hit the road . He had adjusted her in such a way that no one could see anyone sitting on the passenger side seat. As they left the city he dropped each part of her phone at every kilometre. He wanted to hit the interstate befor the girl woke up .


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