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He woke up with Sia in his arms. After making love to her in front of the fire place he had carried her into his bedroom. They made sweet love to each other until the distant early morning calls of the sea gulls hadn't interpreted them.She was peacefully snuggled into his chest , her angelic face ,her long hair , her pink lips it was all so beautiful. She was his, his Sia. And he was never going to let her go. He pulled her closer and closed his eyes getting lost into the smoothness of her skin, her heat, her smell.


Since that night of wild love making ,they both were inseparable. He couldn't keep his hands off her ,she was his air ,his reason to live .But all of it was only in his head ,even after spending countless hours in her arms he hadn't mustered up the courage to tell her what he really felt. He had fallen madly in love with her. He showered her with flowers and kisses and all things nice but he was afraid, afraid that  she might just see him as an opportunity to have fun . But he was certain that he saw emotions in her eyes for him.  She had given him her virginity, surely this wasn't just a joke to her. His heart told him that she loved him too. 

She always used to blabber about how the hostage falls in love with the captor but he was sure that it was Sia who's the captor and he was the hostage who had lost his heart to her.

She on the other hand was glowing like the sun. She had an unusual pink glow on her cheeks and was in high spirits. She was in love ,in love with Clayton. The kissing ,caressing, love making had taken a toll on her ,in a good way. She was so happy. She had stopped thinking about what would happen to her the next day or what the future had in store for them . The only thing she knew was that she loved him and if life gave her the chance to live then she'll want to live for Clayton.


They were a few days into December and both of them were in a festive mood already. He had dug out a box full of Christmas decorations and both of them had started their Christmas tree hunting.  Each day they savoured not only each others sweetness but also the sweetness of the treats she baked.

Today she was baking them some coconut macaroons. It smelled wonderful in the kitchen. She watched as Spike was eagerly watching the oven to ring. Naughty pup. She looked over to the door thinking about clayton.

Clayton always floated into the kitchen when he smelled such treats ,God knows where he is ?

She walked towards their room. Yep. It wasn't his room anymore, it was their room. They never once slept separately since their first night of love making. They had always slept together and he had left no stone unturned in making her come with pleasure. The room smelled of sex. She blushed wildly as she entered the room and saw the bed. 

Clayton was sitting on the chair by the edge of the bed and looking at something what appread to be a photograph.


"Yea" he sniffed and sat straight.

"Hey ,what's wrong ?"she sat on the bed .

He showed her the picture. It was a child and a very beautiful woman, there was a Christmas tree behind them and the background was of the living room of this very house .

"You're mother....Oh my God she was so beautiful...Clay!"

"Yea she was " he looked down trying to remember all the happy moments.

She sat on the bed admiring the photo. She placed her hand on his lap giving him a loving look.

"You wanna talk about it "

"No there's nothing left to talk . She's gone and I couldn't save her, I couldn't even save her last piece of jewellery, the only thing that reminded me of her. I was a bad son ,Sia . I was bad.  I regret all the times when I used to argue with her , when I used to blame her for me not having a father. I hate myself for that. I hate myself"

She put her arms around his neck and pulled him near her. He buried his face near her neck and sobbed . His hot tears falling on her skin. She couldn't hold her own tears. She patted his back gently mumbling soothing words. He pulled apart after some time and looked at her.

"Thank you Sia. Thanks for not pushing me away "

She smiled and caressed his face and kissed him.


They were enjoying the coconut macarons when she looked at him battling the urge to ask a question. He sensed her hesitation.

"Sia ? You want something?"

"Um ? No no .."

She did not speak for a while then she fisted her hands and finally spoke up.

"Clay ? Can I ask you something. I don't mean to pry or upset you but it's just that I'm curious "

"Yea go ahead"

"When you said that you lost your mother's last piece of jewellery. What did you actually mean? "

He placed down the macaron he was eating and pulled the photograph from his jacket and placed it in front of her.

"This " he said pointing to the large emerald locket in his mother's neck.

"This was the only piece of jewellery she ever owned. It was an emerald locket. It had hers and my photoin it. After her death the locket was passed down to me."

He was silent for a while then he spoke.

"I used to get picked on a lot that time cause I had no money ,my clothes used to be stained with grease , I smelled, I had no good shoes. The bullies used to get me a lot and one day they snatched away this locket from me ,I fought and fought to get it back but by the end of the day I was left with a black eye ,a bloody nose and badly beaten . I was suspended from the school for a week and I never got the locket back."

"Clayton I'm so sorry . "

He just smiled.  She was out of words to explain it to him that she was able to understand his pain. But did she really understand his pain? His childhood was filled with hardship and troubles ,no one ever deserves this kind of pain .It wasn't his fault ,it was fate that had played a cruel trick on him. It was fate that had snatched away his happiness and strayed him away from the path of righteousness and pushed him into the the dark abyss of crime. She wanted to hug him and kiss his pains away .


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