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She smiled and stuffed the toast in her mouth.

"By the way Clayton, I had to ask you something " she said looking at him from under her lashes.

He stopped what he was doing and turned towards her.

Is she still thinking about the attack? Is she worried ?

"Clay? "

"Um yea ?" He snapped out of his thoughts.

"Where did you get all the tables and healing ointment?"

"The..the tablets? Oh yea the tablets..yea .. Max gave then"

"Max is a doctor?"

"Yea "

"Does he have a clinic in the town?"

"No not really "

"No? Why?"

"Its a long story actually "

"I'm listening " she smiled at him.

"Alright" he filled his plate and sat across her.

"Max is my mom's cousin . When I was around 8 or 9 years old, Max met with an accident . He lost his wife and his legs in the accident"

She gasped and covered her mouth .

" Yea. His legs had to be amputated from below the knee. He loved his wife a lot you see so after the incident he lost all hope to live ,that's when my mom started looking after him. She helped him to look at life in a new light. He slowly got over it. But he didn't have the courage to resume his work as a doctor so he opened a pharmacy in the town and now he just sits at the counter keeping an eye on his employees and gives house visits to the old and sickly of the town sometimes. He's doing much better now that he has those prosthetic limbs".

"Oh that's nice.He has a pharmacy then, interesting. If you meet him then please convey my heart felt gratitude to him."

"Oh yea ,sure."

"Well its Thanksgiving this Thursday. Do you usually celebrate it with anyone"

"No" he gave her a sad smile.

"Do you wish to celebrate it ?"

"Really? You mean with all the food and all ?! Sure sure let's do it"

"Oh goody! I'll give you a list of things we need and I need you to be vigilant and handpick every item carefully or I bash you with the rolling pin"

He chuckled but then a frown took over his mouth. Since the incident he hadn't left her alone. Going away from her even for a matter of minutes put worrying thoughts into his mind.

"Clay I know what you're thinking but its alright, you've got new locks and stuff. I'll be fine "

He just nodded and smiled.


Since the incident Clayton was always by her side. He took care of her every need. She was getting more and more sure everyday that she had fallen in love with her kidnapper. Yep she was officially under the spell of Stockholm syndrome. But how could one not love him. He was strong ,passionate, caring ,dangerous, he was everything she had craved in a man of her dreams.

Recently they had gotten a lot cosy with each other. Stolen kisses ,hot make out sessions, caressing. Images of those moments put a blush on her cheek. Though they had acknowledged their attraction for each other ,Clayton did not over step his boundaries, he did get carried away most of the times and she absolutely loved it but then he suddenly used to flinch back and apologise.

One moment she wanted him to make sweet guilt free love to her and the other moment doubts and concerns and fear used to grip her. She was his hostage, she was brought here for a reason, she had secrets to keep and she couldn't blow up everything just because of her primal urges.

Though her loins ached for his touch ,she tried staying away from him.


All three of them were slumped on the couch on the afternoon of Thanksgiving. Sia was rubbing her belly and spike was still licking the turkey bone. Clayton on the other hand was fighting his own battle.

"Oh Sia I don't think I can burp without throwing up"

"I told you to leave some of it for dinner but you didn't listen to me. Now don't make me talk or else I'll be the one to throw up ...Ah..." she sifted in her seat .

"We shouldn't have eaten so much ...but the food was so damn good. What are you making for dinner by the way now that all the food is over ?"

"Shuttt upppp " she said slurring.


The next day she found him standing in front of the full length mirror in only his boxers checking himself out.

"What are you doing ?"

"Saying goodbye to whatever abs I have left" he said turning around trying to look at his backside in the mirror.

"Oh not this again . Just run behind spike for an hour and you'll be fine "

"That pup of yours is a couch potato, he tries to reach for the water bowl from his cushion by sticking his tongue out and you think he'll actually run around?"

"Then go walk it off " she said walking towards him, putting her arms around him neck.

"Umm....yea that I can do ..oh oh" he said snapping his fingers .

" Why don't I take you to this amazing place where we need to walk and do some climbing for a while but trust me it'll be worth it "

"Just plane walking and climbing? "

" My dear this is Oregon, you won't be disappointed. Trust me ...let's go out today. Its sunny so we don't have to worry much about slippery rocks and mud . What do you say ? "

"Okay . That sounds fun" she said smiling.


KIDNAPPED -Love Finds A Way Where stories live. Discover now