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The smaller man pulled something out of his pocket and walked towards the door. She looked down at the lock , he was trying to open it.

She looked around frantically, she needed a weapon.

Oh God, what do I use ,what? There'll be something in the kitchen yes!

She ran into the kitchen and shuffled through the knives, giving frantic glances behind her.
All the knives were small, they were of no use. She needed to hide quickly so she ran into her room with spike and closed the door . Since none of the rooms had any lock from the inside the best she could do was to close the door and pull the table against it.

Spike was still barking in her arms so she tried to hush him down and the pup obeyed her. Everything was quite now. She could hear her ears ringing, her heart beating loudly.

Clayton where are you please come back home please.

She heard a loud thud from the living room, they had kicked open the door . Everything was quite for some time. She strained her ears for any sound. she could hear the slight creaking of the wooden floor, they were advancing inside.

She flinched backwards when when she heard a loud booming voice.

" Reign?" It was Bob's voice.

" Where are you? Look we've come to meet ya ? We heard you have a girlfriend living with ya ,won't you introduce us ? " he laughed loudly.

" That's right ,we wanna meet her, talk to her ,have some fun with her" . The second man said.

They both were laughing. She could hear things crashing to the floor. They was rummaging through the house.

They were talking all sorts of vulgar things . She realised that if they caught hold of her then they wouldn't hesitate to sexually abuse her. Even in the November chill she had beads of sweat tugging on her forehead.

She looked at the whimpering pup in her arms ,she didn't want him to get hurt. She had to hide him somewhere. She quickly pulled the cane hamper with her behind the bed and sat spike into it and closed the lid. She looked at him through the mesh

" Buddy you trust me right ,you'll be safe here " she placed a finger over her mouth as to ask him to stay quite.

Suddenly there was a push on the door. The table was pushed backwards a little.

" Ah look Morty,
looks like someone's hiding here. Don't worry sweet lady we're gonna get ya " he put his mouth near the door and laughed.

Clayton please come home ,where are you.

The table fell forward with a loud thud and then the door banged against the wall.

She quickly covered her mouth. Though she was terrified from the inside she tried to be strong ,for herself, for spike. She closed her eyes and huddled into a corner when suddenly someone painfully tugged at her hair and pulled her upwards.

" Bob look ! the girl is hiding here" the shorter man was holding her hair tightly. He was laughing ,his breath smelling of tobacco.

"Ah so this is Claytons possession. He looks happy these days ,is it because you taste like honey and smell like Roses?" Bob said walking towards her.

She looked around , she had to run but how ?

Without further thinking she quickly stomped her foot on Morty's foot. He yelled out and let go of her hair. She ran towards the door that's when Bob caught her by the waist and twisted her arm behind her back.

"Not so fast . We're yet to play with you . Clayton ruined me and now I'm going to get back at him" he laughed near her ears. He smelled of alcohol and all things dirty.

"Let go of me you idiot" she was desperately trying to get out of his hold.

He only laughed . He darted his tongue out and liked her ear. She wanted to thrown up. He turned her around facing him. He held both her wrist in front of her. His fingers digging into her skin.

He tried to pull her to him. She kicked him in his crotch and bended down in pain but he didn't let her go.

" You bitch, I'm going to kill you "

" In your dreams ,you bastard "
She made a strong contact of her knee with his jaw when he was bended. He let go of her and tumbled backwards. She ran outside .

"Morty get her"

Morty ran behind her and threw the baseball bat he was carrying at her . The bat made a painful contact with her calf and she fell down. The shards of broken vase dug into fore arm and she could feel a stinging sensation on her cheek, she winced in pain. Before she got up ,she felt Morty lift her leg and he had started dragging her back inside .

" Let me go" she tried to pull her leg free with all her might but Morty's grip was stronger. He let go when Bob came out of the room fuming . He was ready to kill her. He kicked her in the ribs and she was sent back rolling in pain. Yet she did not let one wimper out of her mouth . She bit her lip to suppress the urge to scream.

He squatted next to her ,he tugged at the sleeve of her top and yanked it apart ,his nails leaving a trail of bloody scratches on her shoulder. But before he could touch her again she attacked his face with a long shard of the vase. He fell back clutching his face. Morty rushed by his side and Bob roared like an animal ,blood flowing from the cut.

She quickly limped outside the door and ran towards the lawn but she was looking back at the house to see if anyone was following her that's when she crashed against someone.


Clayton was so happy when Roy had told him that he needed to keep Sia with him for a few more months. Though he had all but whined in front of Roy to keep up a fasçade that he was annoyed with the girl cause he couldn't let Roy know of the bond he and Sia had formed.

He didn't want her to go ,he was absolutely smitten by her. He wanted her to be with him always but that wasn't possible. His smile was turning into a frown when he remembered what Sia used to say. She said that she was here at the moment ,she had that day to live to spend it with someone she liked then why not make the most of it.

"Yes Sia you're right. You're here with me now and we're going to treasure every moment of it" he smiled to himself.

He stopped on his way to get some fresh flowers for her. He could imagine her holding them, smelling them and closing her eyes at the amazing fragrance and smiling . He wanted to see her, to hold her. He drove quickly to his house.

When he took a turn into the driveway he saw a rusted truck parked in front of his house. He tensed and quickly got down and walked to take a look at the truck, he heard someone running towards him. He turned to see Sia running out of the house with her head turned backwards to look at the door. He moved toward her and she crashed into him. He held her arms to steady her.

"Clayton" she whispered and hid her face into his chest and sobbed loudly.

He gently pulled her back to look at her . Her face was stained with tears and blood. His body went rigid. His eyes were blazing with fury and his blood was boiling with anger.


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