VIII. I Cried, Cried My Lungs Out, and Stopped Crying

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Black mist and a dark claw of someone appeared on the screen as the scene now shifted to Subaru back to the mansion, lying on his bed.

"I'm back here again..." Subaru uttered.

"I think this is the third time I see him on that bed, I guess?" Otto asked.

"For as long as he doesn't succeed on that loop, he won't be spawning to the next checkpoint or even advance further to that day." Ricardo said.

"Do I feel that he will finally succeed here?" Priscilla asked.

"Yes, he will!" Emilia said.

"Sister, Sister... It appears our guest is still half-asleep." Rem said.

"Rem, Rem... For one so young, it's quite sad how out of it he is." Ram said as the two can be seen hugging each other. Subaru rose up and glanced at them with tears coming from his eyes.

"What is the matter, sir?" Rem asked.

"Do you feel unwell?" Ram asked.

"What's wrong, sir?" Rem asked.

"Do you have a chronic illness flaring up?" Ram asked.

"Let me see your hands." Subaru said as he holds each hand of the maid and remembers what he saw from his sleep before.

"So it's true... I wasn't mistaken..." Subaru said.

"No, sir. I think you are mistaken about everything." Ram said as she quickly pulls her hand away from Subaru and both of them stepped backward as quickly as they can.

"No, sir. I think your very birth was a mistake." Ram said.

"These two really act weird but normal right now. But still can't trust this loop because anytime right now, they might haunt Subaru down once again." Julius said.

"Believe me or not, in this one, Subaru won't die again." Puck said.

"How can you say that with confidence?" Al asked.

"Because you're a spirit?" Kadomon asked.

"When I think about what's to come, I can't laugh off that comment. But right now, even that's a good feeling." Subaru said.

"Sister, Sister... Could our guest be a troubled man, deriving pleasure from torture?" Rem asked.

"Rem, Rem, our guest appears to be a pervert who's turned on by insults." Ram said.

"Sorry to do that out of the blue, but I trust you both. Let's be friends, okay?" Subaru asked while offering his hands to the two maids.

"It was awfully noisy, so I came to check. Subaru, I'm glad you seem well." Emilia interfered as she enters the room.

"A second ago, I had a lot on my mind, but seeing you blew it all away, Emilia-tan! I guess you were the wonder drug that my heart needed." Subaru said while cuddling himself.

"Sorry, I have no idea what you're saying. But good morning. I'm glad you're well." Emilia said with her smile.

"Yeah, good morning. Okay, might as well get started..." Subaru said.

"The wonder drug he needed? What does it mean?" Emilia asked.

"He thinks of you as the medicine he needs for his heart. Well, that's the only thing I can easily explain by what he meant of that drug." Inosuke said.

"M-Medicine?" Emilia stuttered.

"Because you're the only one who can make him happy and fired up." Katsuki said.

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