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First of all thank you all for 3.5k reads that is amazing never when I wrote did I think this was going to happen.

A few things to say the picture up top is my OC.  There Hero name is Void as in my  username the rest info about them will be coming so.

I am currently working on a nightmare chapter, a cowboy chapter, and the Q&A chapter those will be coming soon.

However please give me a few to move back into my room and get my life resituated and back on track since I'm back home.

However when I get back to track updates should be mon-fri but the weekends are for rehab so there might not be updates then. If there is then that's a plus.

My biggest thing is though I want to thank everyone for there live and support. All the wonderful requests and ideas. Let's keep this going PLUS ULTRA!!

Please be patient I won't be long! I love you all Thank you for reading.

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