My True Form

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I opened the door and Hizashi was standing there all giddy staring at me with awe. "Sooooooo how was your date with All Might??" Hizashi said in a high pitched voice towards me.

(Pictures to represent the story kind of...enjoy! ☺)

Shouta's POV

I had gone on a lot of dates with All Might and I was really enjoying them I am even on one right now. We were out eating at a rather fancy dinner; however, he keeps looking at his watch. He's been doing this our past few dates and I don't know if I did something wrong or if he doesn't like me.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the waiter showed up with dessert, she set the dessert on the table and we start to eat. All Might's phone started ring with his signature ringtone, he looked at it and stopped the sound. He looked up at me with sadness, "I'm sorry I have to run off so soon but um I have to go I'll call a cab to come get you."

After that he left again without even eating his dessert, I packed up the desserts and hopped in the cab he called for me. The driver drove me home and I walked in the house and set the deserts on the counter. I laid on the couch face first and sighed, Hizashi sat on the couch next to me, "So All Might wore you out so much from all the rough sex?" I lifted my head and tears were streaming down my face.

Hizashi freaked out and started comforting me, "I think All Might's either cheating on me or I did something wrong I don't....he just keeps leaving early on dates. Am I doing something wrong? Am I unlovable?" Tears were pouring down my face as Hizashi ran into the bathroom grabbing tissues; he handed the tissues and comforting me.

"It's ok Shouta he most definitely is not cheating on you he's not that kind of guy." Hizashi said trying to comfort me.

"So I did something wrong? I'm not lovable!?" I said crying more and more.

Hours later I finally fell asleep from exhaustion and crying, I woke up about 5am and looked at my phone and there was about a dozen missed calls and texts on my phone.

I looked at my phone and they were all from All Might. I read few texts and listen to the voicemail he left, "Shouta I'm so sorry Hizashi texted me asking if I was cheating on you are did something wrong. I want you to know you didn't do anything wrong it's me and I'm not cheating on you either. If you can't forgive me I understand, and if you don't want to see me again I also understand. If you could give me one last chance I will tell you everything just meet me at Dagobah Beach at 4:45am and I'll tell you everything please, All Might."

The voicemail finished and I stared at my phone for a second then looked at the time it was now 5:05 I freaked out and threw my shoes on; I grabbed my capture weapon and started throwing it against poles and rooftops. I glided through the air and finally made it to the beach; I landed on the beach and looked around. The time was 5:15 I was too late, I sat in the sand and pulled my phone out and called All Might.

The phone was ringing and I heard the signature ringtone behind me, I turned around and saw All Might standing there slightly hopeful, I looked at him with tears falling down on my face. I ran up to him and hugged him tightly; we sat down on the sand and laid down staring at the stars. All Might started speaking and explain everything, "I was never cheating you, and you never did anything wrong. The whole time it was me and my insecurities."

"Insecurities? But you're All Might you're a very sexy Bull Rider I'm mean look at you what do you have to be insecure about?" I said looking confused.

"Um well firstly my real name is Toshinori Yagi and this isn't my true from this is kind of my quirk, this is my true form." He said as his body shrunk down into what looked like a skeleton of a man, very skinny and sickly, his clothes hanging off of him barely staying on. "I kept running away early and leaving because I was afraid of what you would think if you saw my true form. So I would run before my time ran out. Please forgive me I wanted to get this off my chest so you were no longer sad or depressed. But know that you know I'll leave and get out of your life you probably don't want to date a skeleton man."

Toshinori started walking away but before he could get any farther I grabbed his wrist and turned him around kissing him. He stopped and just stared back at me in awe, tears streaming down his face. He fell to the ground crying and I bent down with him hugging him. "Only a few people in my life have actually accepted me in my true form. Shouta you are someone I have grown to LOVE honestly and I'm happy that you can accept me for who I really am." I hugged Toshinori tightly and pulled him down onto the ground with me, I kissed him and we laid there hugging each other and staring at the sky as the sun slowly rose up above us.

(If you want a sequel please tell me and if you like this vote. If there is an idea you guys want me to try tell me. Welp see you next chapter)

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