Chapter 14

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Shisui slid into the chair across from me as I ate.  "Can I help you?"

He shrugged.  "You weren't training this morning."

My eyes widened, and I frowned.  "Oh yeah... had to see Tsunade... can't train for two whole days."

He chuckled.  "Clearly, not what you wanted to hear."

I sighed.  "It's my own fault."

The waiter took his order.  "Well, make sure to keep yourself busy and stay out of trouble."

I scowled.  "People act like I purposely go around looking for it.  Trouble literally finds me."  I felt Izumi's chakra signature approaching.  "Prime example coming now."

She stopped at the table and looked between us.  "Having a date with Chihiro's husband?  How low can you get?"

I looked at her eyebrow raised.  "I'll have you know, I was perfectly content eating by myself."

She huffed and gestured to him.  "Thought you couldn't stand him, now here you two are... does Itachi know?"

I rolled my eyes.  "Though he's my boyfriend still... I think... he isn't my master.  I don't need his permission."

As though he heard his name, he appeared behind Izumi.  "Is there a problem?"

I smiled up at him.  "I don't know, people do like to interrupt while I'm eating."

He looked at Shisui casually and then sat beside me.  "I see."

Izumi was infuriated.  "So, you're okay with this?"  He picked up the menu and began to look at it, ignoring her.  She pulled the menu from his hands.  "I'm talking to you."

He laced his fingers together.  "I'm aware."

She placed the menu on the table.  "Well..."

He looked at me.  "Are you okay with Shisui being here?"

I shrugged.  "So long as he remains appropriate."  He looked back at her, to which she puffed her cheeks and turned on her heel.  I looked at Shisui, who was watching her go.  "See told you."

He sighed.  "I don't like that Chihiro has been spending so much time with her."

I blinked at him.  "Yeah, when did that start?"

He looked at his hands, thinking.  "The funeral, I think."

I perked up and looked at Itachi.  "How was that, by the way?  Did people have wonderfully hateful things to say?"

He shrugged.  "I was still in a coma."

Shisui chuckled.  "No one had anything hateful to say."  I sighed in disappointment.  "A few people from other places came, but mostly the Leaf.  My understanding is that there were memorials held everywhere, appropriate, I suppose... considering they couldn't find your body."

I rested my head in my hand.  "Well, that's unfortunate."

He shook his head.  "It was the most interesting funeral I've been to.  Everyone who spoke had nice things to say, and after rather than everyone dispersing to go home, they hung around and reminisced.  You're well loved here, though no one would admit it while you were alive."

I frowned.  "Well, that's... fucked up."  He shrugged and I looked at Itachi.  "I need a redo... I've always wondered what my funeral would be like here and this is not it at all."

He wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer.  "No."

"But Itachi..."  I whined.

He chuckled and kissed the top of my head.  "No more funerals for you.  Should've gone to the first one."

I pouted at him.  "Was kinda in a coma as well."  I thought a moment.  "Who outside of the village came?"

Shisui was watching us.  "Pein... some Rock nin... I'm not really sure. It was like everyone sent a representative at least."

Itachi shook his head.  "You really want them to relive the whole experience?"

I shrugged.  "I mean, they'll have to eventually, I'm sure... they should wait at least year before they hold a funeral, though.  Just to be sure I'm really dead."

He sighed.  "Unfortunately, this is true."

Shisui looked between us.  "So when did you two..."

We glanced at each other, and I looked away from Itachi.  "Months ago, and what did you mean, you think?"

I frowned into my tea.  "Uh... we haven't been getting along well."

He sighed.  "Couples fight."

I shrugged.  "Still not quite understanding, but I believe you."

Shisui smiled.  "Well... I'm happy... for both of you."  We looked at him curiously.  "I realized when we were training... I was wrong about how I felt.  Also, I don't think I could handle the whole recklessly almost dying thing, which you do... often.  I honestly don't know how Itachi does it."

He smiled down at me.  "I just look forward to her return."  I rolled my eyes, and their food came.

Soon, Chihiro came in and looked at our table, frowning.  "So... are we all getting along now?"

Shisui looked up at her.  "Izumi told you, didn't she?"

She glared at him.  "Yes, and she said you were here before Itachi. You just can't choose between the two?"

Itachi grabbed my hand as I met her gaze.  "Two things I can't seem to escape... trouble and Uchiha.  I'm cursed, I tell you."

She scowled.  "You think it's funny."

Now she was making me angry, I was done playing nice.  "I think I'm hilarious, actually."

She blinked, surprised.  "Excuse me?"

I gazed at her coolly.  "I don't know what Izumi is putting in your head, but you're far better than this."

She frowned.  "I'm happy we no longer share a body."

I sat back in my chair.  "Good thing you evicted me then."

A hand grasped her shoulder.  "Chihiro..."

I smiled behind her.  "Minato, come to join the party?"

She scowled at me.  "I don't see why they protect you."

I shrugged.  "So soon we forget who I am, Chihiro."  I looked her in the eye to emphasize my point.  "Kunoichi of the Chakra Thread... the most feared and the most protected shinobi of all the nations."

Her eyes widened.  "We'll see about that."  She shrugged off Minato's hand and stormed out.

I looked at Shisui.  "See... I was just sitting here, and trouble came right in."

Everyone sighed in unison, but Itachi squeezed my hand.  "And we wouldn't have it any other way."

I saw Minato thinking about what just happened.  "We'll be okay, Minato... but I do suggest you stop letting Izumi have so much influence over her."

He sighed.  "I just don't know how to handle it."

I thought for a moment.  "I'm the target of her choosing, most likely because I was the closest friend she had.  News of my death hit her hardest of all, I'm sure.  Just continue to love her and support her. She'll come around."

Itachi kissed the top of my head.  "I'm happy you've come to your senses."

I pushed his face away.  "Whatever, Uchiha."  Be glad Hiruzen got to me before she did...

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