Heated Dinner

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Shame, embarrassed, or straight out mortified were words I rarely ever affiliated with. Yet, here I was, six months after possibly the most embarrassing night of my life, feeling completely and utterly mortified. 

"Wait... hold on." Wang held onto his stomach and tried to control his laugher. 

"P-please tell me again, but from the top, you can start from the moment he gave you that cherry-flavored drink." Wang gasped for air between laughs.

I narrowed my eyes and wanted to toss my textbook at him, but refrained in fear that his glasses might've broken, pierced through his eyeballs, and then kill him. 

"This is not funny Wang." I folded my arms across my chest. 

"You threw up in the guy's mouth," Wang laughed, "This is hilarious." 

I sulked and immediately regretted that I told a fellow classmate that I got along with about that dreadful frat party night. Jimmy Wang attended Harvard Medical school too and ever since we met, we got along great. Faith, Jimmy – whom I referred to by his last name Wang – and I were a trio.

I swore to never speak of that dreadful night but kismet had other plans for me because I had to reminisce about that night once more. After six months, I almost came face to face with the poor victim of my vomit load. Naturally, when I grabbed Wang's hand and bolted like lightning out of the library, he had many questions that I was obligated to answer.

Wang's girlfriend, Kayleigh, attended Harvard Law school and I drove Wang over to the school so he could meet up with her. Kayleigh still had some work to complete so while we waited for her, we killed time in the famous library and that was when I spotted a familiar, tall figure with bright blue-grey eyes that I'd never forget. 

"Okay jokes over, it's not that funny," I grumbled sourly. 

I looked at the idiot in front of me and even though I was currently super annoyed at him for laughing at me, I couldn't hate him. Apart from being one of the smartest people at school, Wang had a heart of gold, he was a little crazy but he was one of those people that just made you smile just by being in their presence. Jimmy Wang was quite a short, adorable guy, he was a good few inches shorter than me, had straight, shiny black hair, wore glasses, and had the clearest skin I'd ever seen. 

"Hey wing Wang, shut up before I throw a rock at you," I scolded him, "Joke's over." 

"If it were a joke, I'd stop laughing but this actually happened." he pointed out. 

"Yeah, well it wasn't one of my proudest moments," I mumbled sourly. 

"Okay, I'm sorry." Wang held onto his stomach and calmed down, "I'll stop laughing now." 

His face turned red as he tried to hold in his laughter and the urge to punch him grew stronger but I also put myself in his shoes and if roles were reversed, I'd have probably died of laugher. 

"Get it out before you explode." I rolled my eyes. 

"I'm sorry, I can't help it," he burst out laughing again, "I mean," he laughed paused, and completed his sentence, "In his mouth, Mils. Not on his chest or even face but his freaking mouth!"

I sat there with a straight face while the idiot who sat across me laughed like a maniac. People who walked past us probably thought we were a pair of psychopaths. 

Wang calmed down a smidge, "You know when you grabbed me and ran out of the library, I thought it was going to be a silly reason but never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd hear this story."

I hid my face in my palms and groaned. "I know, I know. It's mortifying." 

"No, it's hilarious but what makes it mortifying is that you basically threw up in Harvard's most eligible bachelors' mouth and screwed up any chance you could ever have with him," Jimmy clarified. 

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