The Master Plan

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Zabra sturs his tea then blows on it. "So... Are you going to drink? Or will your tea get cold?" Galaxy waves her hand and a circle forms around them. With some strange writing on it. Then some chairs pop up. Galaxy it's down on one. While spirit jumps up and sits on the other. They each get a glass and hold it, except spirit he uses magic to hold it.

"To our world. BARSCIFSA." Galaxy
"Aluit." All.
They cheer each other then drink.

Once they drink the symbol on the ground starts to crack. The crack breaks more to complete the whole circle on the ground. Once it's completed the world breaks up and the world around them changes.

Galaxy gets up and as she does some stairs appear. And all of them being to walk down them. Galaxy raises her hand a line of torches light up. Then she grabs one.

"So mind telling me why we are doing this again?" Spirit talks in a rude professional way.
"We are doing this to protect the timelines and dimensional layers." Galaxy.
"I still find this to be a waste on my end." Zambra
"Your part is deeply valued Zambra. Without you we wouldn't have gotten Shank here. Plus you have the power to travel to different dimensional plains and planets unlike us." Galaxy
"Why thank you I do give up a lot of my power to power up my ships."
"Plus... You already have the reputation. Of it." Galaxy
"Hah." Spirit.
Zambia slaps him with his tail.
"Now now you two." Galaxy
"Well at least I went with the plan!" Zambra growls out.
"Hey. Not my fault that your ship had a malfunction just as it was passing over our house! And you know I'm bound forever to Minc. Once she orders me to do something I can not rest until it's done. Sadly that's my curse for my gift." Spirit still as rude. 

They continue to walk down until they enter a cave room. The whole room is dark.

"Anyway the plan won't work unless we get him here..." Galaxy says. They continue to walk and further in. The cave starts changing from a naturally formed cave into a more of a modern lab.

"And this challenge became more of a struggle due to the fact that Minc will not let him go out of her sights..."

"But doesn't she let explore the mall by themselves?" Spirit.

"Yes but she attached secrets trackers on them that activate once it senses danger." Galaxy.
  They walk by some plans and her hand gently brushes over them.
The plans look like a human body plan.
"Hmph. Anyway. Just so you remember Galaxy. Im not doing this just for you. You better stick to your side of the cut." Zambra growls.

"I know... Your breaking some rules of the galaxy so the truest thing to do is break it back for you."

In the distance you can see the silhouette of a ray gun.

"Hm, if I could just have a choice to leave this matter I would've long ago...." Spirit says rudely.

"Your the strongest daity here. Don't feel your con is a annoyance."

"Hmph breaking the fourth wall shouldn't really relinquish your freedom..."
Spirit then turns to you all. ( if you ask me this story is too confusing and way too touchy-feely for me.)

"Anyway today should be the last day we can work on this before we HAVE to get him here in order toe process." Zambra

"Anyway, let's finishes his skin and hair. Then after that all we need  is some fresh blood to activate his totem to release his soul..." Galaxy waves her hand and the torch floats up to like up a machine and the whole lab lights up.  "Now then." Galaxy then starts putting on some rubber gloves. "Now...shall we begin?" Galaxy turns to them. As she does you now see them both in humans forms no longer looking like a fox and loin. "Very well my queen. Let's us." Zambra snaps on some gloves. He looks very regal and very handsome with a huge main hair, that reached down to his hips and a beard. And some jewelry on his face.

"Hmph, whatever ever let's just get on with this." Spirit looks like a young man with pale skin and white hair that is tied into a long ponytail in the back. He dresses in a white suit. Yet his eyes are pure black. Forever young appearance.

They all spread out to different sides of the lab and get to work.

Slowly you zoom into the back and see a test tube with a "human" inside it. And it looks like someone you know.....

    In the tube lays a almost renewed Lop. Shank.....

New world. New Life?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora